I’m amazed that one country, the US, keeps thinking it has a right to tell other countries how to live within their borders. Overthrow is a new book written by a New York Times journalist, espousing the danger of taking out established leaders, and replacing him with one of the US choosing.
I find it odd that Bush think he should have nuclear weapons (and not Iran), when Bush is the one suggesting he may use them. Perhaps we should all get rid of our nuclear weapons. I suspect Iran wants to make nuclear weapons, so it will be on equal footing with the US, and not be intimidated any longer.
The US decides what country it wants to invade, does it without international support for its own gains (whatever they are), and then questions the patriotism of anyone who is against war.
Why is war patriotic?
Why is questioning the killing of foreigners in their own country, considered unpatriotic? We are supposed to blindly support the military.
We don’t need most of them!
Take half the military, send them to college to become teachers. Improve education! Pay down the debt!
My daughter came home today and told me her classmate did a presentation on the national debt. The boy said we spend 40% of our budget on war, 25% on healthcare, and 4% on education. Ever wonder why college is free in Germany? It’s the 40% part – they don’t need to kill people all over the world.
I am opposed to the military. What a waste of money!