Comments above about Wiemeraners being difficult to train are true. I have heard from several owners of these that they are stubborn. Best avoided unless your situation lends itself well to a poorly trained dog.
Before deciding on a breed, spend some time checking up on that breed. That beautiful dog can end up being a real pain. Beagles, Wiemers, some hound breeds, dalmations can all be problems. Border Collies, for example, are brilliant dogs but don’t do well unless you have at least an acre for them to run around. Some herding dogs are bred to run 100 miles a day so a 1/5 acre lot can drive them crazy. Just find a good dog breed web site and read alot to find the breed for you.
To anyone considering a dog, please consider getting two. They keep each other company while you are away, making life good for you and them. Dogs that grow up together are much happier, and they exhibit fewer destructive tendencies than single dogs that are left alone most of the day. What you spend in dog food you will save in replacing expensive destroyed stuff. Be careful raising two brothers together or brother/sister. They can often fight. Best to get two dogs from different parents.