Cd rate are now falling on aaverage to around 3% so if Felix is able to get 4+ that is a 25% premium he is potentially realizing on his investment. He is being slammed by the board for investment ideas that he clearly expressed. He additionally made it apparent that this is a very long term investment and he has sustaining power with income. Additionally he has stated that he already ahs other asset classes covered. All I am trying to do is provide benefit of the doubt.
This much I know for sure. I have a friend who is a bankrupcy attorney in the NY area who owns a real estate brokerage and he is buying properties on the cheap and is cash flowing them out with above average rates of return. For people to say no one can do it is a false sense of market realities.
There are always a select few who can turn profits even in tough environments. This typically requires capital and expertise. Who is to say that Felix does not ahve that. He has offered an opinion that there are properties out there. He is a contrarion and he thinks this is going to be suitable for him. He might be a troll but from his statements I see nothing that is suggestive of him telling anyone else to go out and buy only that it made sense for him. Addiitonally how many people have the ability to pay cash for a high end home. That eliminates 99.9% of the board.