Wow, a discussion online that doesnt involve mud flinging and discusses race and politics!
My 2 cents…
1)Racism is everywhere, but only villified if it is someone who is white disagreeing with someone who isnt. Otherwise it is just cultural differences.
2)Women have been dreaming about a female prez alot longer than most blacks have about a black prez. They are also more likey to vote. Remember sexism is men keeping women down, not the generalization of a person based on gender. (quietly alot of women will admit that their backing a women because she is women is problematic, but they dont care.)
3) annxiety is high. We remember fondly the 1990’s, when the world didnt hate us and everyone was getting ahead or had a plan to. We want the comfort and security we had back when Clinton was in the White House, and now we can vote for a Clinton again to bring back the good times. Who wants change when the past was so good?
1)ALOT of the votes for Obama are comeing from the young, under 30 groups. The young have no skin in the game, but little chance to get into the games in the first place. Wages are stagnant, housing unaffordable, jobs are plentiful, but career tracks are longer, with ever longer educations and resumes needed to quialify. Education is more expensive and the best schools harder to get into. Specialization is required earlier and earlier. Some change is a good thing, because they dont have much to loose.
2) Obama brings hope. People who are lead by their emotions (not necessary a bad thing) are insipired by him. He brings a vision of a better tomorrow, instead of a return to a positive past. The details can come later, it is the promise that really matters.
3) either way you go, it is nearly impossible to confuse either with Bush. Change is desired from Bush, and Obama offers MORE change than Clinton.
Why are Asians and hispanics voting the way they are? That is too broad a question. Look to age, economic outlook and gender, with the qualification (see Clinton 1 as an example) of these cultures and you can get an answer that makes alot more sense.