It sucks to look and see all that red in your online statements.
The only concellation I have is that I moved the majority of my 401K into cash and bond funds to lock in gains. That doesn’t do much for my equity positons in my Roth and Brokerage accounts.
Have to really get comfortable with your asset allocation. I am conuing to dollar cost average into S& P Index funds(Schwab SWPIX), Total Market (SWTIX), Materials(ICBMX), and Real Esate Investment trusts (CSRSX) and INternational (DODFX) and ETF EFA.
Other accounts cover growth American Funds AGTHX and value.
All in all you can look at is as things suckking or if you are in it for the longs haul things finally starting to sell at a discount.
While many complain about housing being overpriced, your returns elsewhere are pretty shitty right now aswell. At least my experience for the start of 2008.
That said I would still be in the camp of telling those with large position of equity in their home and great credit that it might be teh time to look into cash out refi on a 15 year mortgage and seeing if you can’t gett a 5.25% interest rate.
Good buying opportunities will present themselves for those with liquid cash in the not too distant future.