i don’t see how that’s possible. of course, i’m dense and unimaginative, but it seems to me that fixing the system requires breaking it. breaking deficit spending, breaking the fed’s loose monetary policy, breaking the addiction to cheap credit, breaking addiction to the government teat.
growth requires spending. stopping government spending and encourage citizens to save will stop growth. the economy is dependant on growth to drive dividends and share prices. profits. the wealthiest americans, despite elimination of the “death tax” will suffer loss of absolute wealth. compensation of ceo’s will crater as investors come to realize that ceo’s have nothing to do with corporate profits.
btw, i donated to his campaign and support him for president. i’m just saying, these are reasons i think people, the media, corporations are afraid of him. reasons why his presidency may be misconstrued. reasons to be cautious with your own financial situation.
i’ma digress for a second cuz it’s been at the back of my mind and say that the “issues” of abortion and gay marriage as part of the list of “issues” of the presidential campaign are retardly laughable. immigration as well, but to less of a retarded degree. it’s only been some 40 years since blacks and women were allowed to even vote, in the evolution of social attitudes in this country, abortion and gay marriage (aka, religious freedom) are still way off on the horizon of social acceptance. we can’t even get the country to commit to separation of church and state (aka, pledge of alligance) let alone to abortion and gays. to discount paul as your candidate based on an “issue” that no other candidate could possibly affirmatively affect is absurd, particularly in light of the real issues (edit: more pressing issues) at hand.