You are getting plenty of advice, but I still want to throw in my $0.02 worth.
This is an “international” fund which invests almost exclusively outside the United States. As part of a diversified investment portfolio it might be a good buy, but I would not put all my money in this fund.
This fund has a decent track record, especially over the long haul. What concerns me a little is that it’s overall expense ratio is a little high – over 1.2%. That might not sound like a lot, but that adds up over time.
You don’t say how old you are, so it’s hard to say what your “time horizon” and “risk tolerance” are. I would build a diversified investment portfolio with most of your dough in stocks but some in bonds. Conservatively managed bond funds tend to even out portfolio performance over the long run. You don’t make as much in the good times, but you don’t lose as much in the bad times. Rebalance your portfolio every year or so.
You might want to look into index fund investing. It’s much cheaper (expense loads can be as little as 0.15 % of net asset value vs. the 1.20% that this fund charges).