If 20 or so people are If 20 or so people are interested in getting together on a Saturday morning in March sometime I will put something together at a banquet room at one of the local hotels. I would love to sit down with all Piggs from all different corners of the County regardless of political views. It’s time to brainstorm with some smart individuals while getting to know our fellow Piggs!
If you aren’t interested no big deal, but I thought I would give it shot!
February 8, 2009 @
9:58 PM
Do you really want a Do you really want a diversity of views?
If so, I would be down.
If you are looking for people to agree with you (please excuse my cynicism but come on) then maybe not.
I prefer conversations with people I disagree with.
That’s why Fredo and his life partner Guido think I am grumpy.
Also, I think Allan is Guido.
Allan from Fallbrook
February 8, 2009 @
10:14 PM
Dan: I’m actually more of a Dan: I’m actually more of a Gunter. I’d be up for such a meeting, too. Sounds like fun.
Sharks? Jets!
February 8, 2009 @
10:18 PM
I would be more than excited I would be more than excited to meet all the people I put down in the past, even though it has all been in good fun. The mere fact that I am 6’6 285lbs and used to be the water boy for the Chargers shouldn’t scare anyone!! Urban, all jokes aside, I really think it would be a good thing just to sit down with everyone and run some ideas of how we can get things working from a local perspective and how we can move some of our ideas to a national spectrum. The worst thing that could happen is we find out who the other Pigg is so we can put a face with a username!!
Allan from Fallbrook
February 8, 2009 @
10:25 PM
Socrattt: Relative to Socrattt: Relative to physical size, there’s a great quote out there: “God made all men, but Sam Colt made ’em equal!”
Chargers, huh? I’ll be sure to wear my Raiders hat.
February 8, 2009 @
10:25 PM
Sure. I am down for Sure. I am down for whatever.
February 8, 2009 @
10:34 PM
Back on the shark front, Back on the shark front, “Deep Blue Sea” is on HBO right now.
Its about cerebrally enhance sharks.
Inevitably, its a Prometheus tale about the sharks killing the scientists.
So really in the end, everyone wins.
February 8, 2009 @
10:53 PM
TG, makes sense. My little TG, makes sense. My little guy isn’t quite in sports yet, but that is completely understandable. We have 7 votes, once we hit the 20 marker I am going to start looking for some happy hour spots in town, maybe in Carmel Valley or UTC to keep things somewhat central for those in North County and those way up there in Temecula :). There are plenty of restaurants where we can get a room to ourselves. We’ll have to let the restaurant know they will have a bunch of piggs in the back room!
Maybe we can organize the food before hand, so we don’t have to worry about it when we get there (maybe buffet style). I will throw some dates around in the next week or so to see what is best for everyone!
February 8, 2009 @
10:23 PM
A Saturday morning at a hotel A Saturday morning at a hotel would feel like a seminar, the only way this works is with alcohol and is a social event. With all the busy lives and family obligations, might I suggest a non coveted time, like a Sunday afternoon or a Tuesday night/happy hour. Saturday mornings are heavily booked with kid sports for many.
Early week happy hour in S.D. would be cool, something North of the 8 freeway. I often go wine tasting on Sundays up here, it’s no effort to organize a group, even a small one.
Every great song, book or idea came from a meeting of polluted idle minds, no sense in bucking the trend.
CA renter
February 8, 2009 @
10:58 PM
TG wrote:
A Saturday morning TG wrote:
A Saturday morning at a hotel would feel like a seminar, the only way this works is with alcohol and is a social event. With all the busy lives and family obligations, might I suggest a non coveted time, like a Sunday afternoon or a Tuesday night/happy hour. Saturday mornings are heavily booked with kid sports for many.
Second what TG said. I’m thinking along the lines of a pub with a large table in a quiet corner where we could meet, even once every month or two. Weeknights are good, too, for all the reasons stated above.
EDIT: Just saw your response, socratt. Your ideas sound good WRT central location and private room in a restaurant.
February 8, 2009 @
11:03 PM
What the heck, I’d play as What the heck, I’d play as long TG and alcohol are involved. I mean seriously, what could go wrong;?
I love a healthy debate and would love to knock a few down with some of the folks I’ve gone head to head with. No one will packin heat….will they?
March 8, 2009 @
9:54 PM
urbanrealtor wrote:
That’s [quote=urbanrealtor]
That’s why Fredo and his life partner Guido think I am grumpy.
Also, I think Allan is Guido.
Allen! I can’t believe it! I leave for a couple of months and this is what I come back to? Did you tell Dan about us?
March 8, 2009 @
10:45 PM
Will there be strippers? Can Will there be strippers? Can I bring my dog? Oh wait… wife got dog in divorce.
What was the question?
March 9, 2009 @
1:10 PM
Oxford wrote:Will there be [quote=Oxford]Will there be strippers? Can I bring my dog? Oh wait… wife got dog in divorce.
What was the question?
Cough cough.
Wait this isn’t the porn thread….
Where am I?
Allan from Fallbrook
March 9, 2009 @
2:32 PM
Fredo: Believe it or not, I Fredo: Believe it or not, I said nothing to Dan. However, his ability to ferret out information is uncanny! At first, I thought YOU had given our “secret” up (perhaps under some strange sort of interrogation involving Drambuie, Hostess products and a sock puppet).
March 9, 2009 @
6:04 PM
Allan from Fallbrook [quote=Allan from Fallbrook]Fredo: Believe it or not, I said nothing to Dan. However, his ability to ferret out information is uncanny! At first, I thought YOU had given our “secret” up (perhaps under some strange sort of interrogation involving Drambuie, Hostess products and a sock puppet).
I do use all those things but i would not exactly call it “interrogation”…
Allan from Fallbrook
March 9, 2009 @
7:20 PM
Dan: For the love of God, Dan: For the love of God, please stop talking. Please. You’re making the bad thoughts come back.
February 8, 2009 @
11:22 PM
We’ve done this a Socrattt,
We’ve done this a few times actually a few years back. We met up at my sisters resteraunt “Today’s Pizza & Salad” near Encinitas.
If the banquet hall doesn’t work out, I’d be more then happy to help organize another meetup at Today’s.
We’ve done this a few times actually a few years back. We met up at my sisters resteraunt “Today’s Pizza & Salad” near Encinitas.
If the banquet hall doesn’t work out, I’d be more then happy to help organize another meetup at Today’s.
We can “Pig” out…. ok that was lame 🙂
Today’s Pizza is a great venue. Was there a few times, very quiet, we can stay without disturbing others. Sat afternoon/evening.
February 8, 2009 @
11:37 PM
If everyone agrees please let If everyone agrees please let me know a date/time and I’ll get us a reservation.
February 9, 2009 @
6:25 AM
Count me in. Count me in.
SD Transplant
February 9, 2009 @
7:36 AM
Yes, I second that. Count me Yes, I second that. Count me in.
February 9, 2009 @
9:18 AM
Count me in, too. I would to Count me in, too. I would to finally meet all of my fellow Piggs!!
What’s the next step, Socratt?
February 9, 2009 @
9:26 AM
If partypup is coming there’s If partypup is coming there’s gonna guns. I gotta check into some body armour;)
February 9, 2009 @
10:49 AM
I’m scared
I’ll go
But I’m scared
I’ll go
But only if girls are invited
February 9, 2009 @
1:11 PM
How about we have a Steel How about we have a Steel Cage realtor tag team match for entertainment. I call Russ as my partner.
February 9, 2009 @
2:10 PM
sdrealtor wrote:How about we [quote=sdrealtor]How about we have a Steel Cage realtor tag team match for entertainment. I call Russ as my partner.[/quote]
That’s funny.
Thanks for picking me but if I go it won’t really be as a Realtor or wrestler .
It would be fun to see and meet the people that are on the other end of these posts and then come back to it later.Maybe even meet Rich? I owe Allan several beers.LOL. I agree that the venue is perfect. I might be posing as JG or Perry Chase.Wouldn’t that be something if some of the old timers caught on to this thread and came out?
Rich Toscano
February 9, 2009 @
2:53 PM
Hi all — I was out of town Hi all — I was out of town for the weekend and I’m just punching into this thread. By coincidence I had just been thinking that another pigg meetup was seriously overdue. I had been thinking along the lines of what TG suggested, ie a weeknight at a location with food and adult beverages such as Shakespeare’s Pub or something.
But this thread just goes to show that if you procrastinate long enough, someone will do it for you!
Anyway, I’m on board. That Today’s Pizza place, while a bit far afield for us southern-folk, was really quite a good venue in terms of size, noise level, etc, so that’s fine by me if that’s what everyone wants to do.
February 9, 2009 @
4:07 PM
Well if partypup, with her Well if partypup, with her hoard of gold and cash, is willing to out herself then I cannot have an excuse. As long as you all acknowledge that I am dirt poor, living in a shabby yet well-defended hovel on the mean streets of bullet-riddled Mira Mesa.
Rich is going? It’s on! Now all we need is HLS and the other heavy-hitters… Can someone give Marion a call?
My only complaint is Northbound 5 traffic on a weekday during rush hour… I don’t think I can show up before 7:40 if that is the case.
February 9, 2009 @
5:56 PM
I guess Saiine is pushing for I guess Saiine is pushing for the pizza party at Todays. I was thinking of bit more professional setting, but if it helps Sainne family out I don’t mind where we go. I find it interesting as soon as I try to put something together someone else jumps in and takes control. It is now in the hands of Saiine!
February 9, 2009 @
9:30 PM
What if we have three or four What if we have three or four different handles we go under. Would that ruin it.
February 10, 2009 @
10:19 AM
I want to know who the 4 I want to know who the 4 people that voted “no” are.
SD Transplant
February 10, 2009 @
10:56 AM
A couple of great points A couple of great points here. What if I get there and there are only a hand full of piggs (multiple personalities) that turn out used more than 10 loggins each…….that’s why we ought to have a bar nearby…….LOL
February 10, 2009 @
11:22 AM
nothing worse than right
nothing worse than finding out all you’ve been talking with is one dude and a bunch of his sock puppets
February 10, 2009 @
6:37 PM
Enorah wrote:I want to know [quote=Enorah]I want to know who the 4 people that voted “no” are.
I’ll fess up. I think I was the first one to vote “no”. It was a knee-jerk reaction. If I understood socratts post, he wanted to have a somewhat formal brainstorming event regarding How we can get things moving from a local level, and then take it national. In other words, a serious political discussion. I’ve seen those discussions on this site – and they are brutal. They generally do not have a nice, friendly, social feel to them.
However, when I look at the other thread regarding where it’s going to take place – well, that’s got an entirely different feel to it.
It went from a political brainstorming session to a beer drinking social event with no particular agenda – and I think some are on the verge of sneaking off to the parking lot to share a doobie! That idea has some potential and I wouldn’t have voted “no” on that one.
Are you still making Enorah,
Are you still making real estate decisions by the rhythms of the moon and eagle feathers?
February 10, 2009 @
10:30 PM
This is a dead thread!! This is a dead thread!! Saiine has taken over duties. I threw the idea out and Saiine ran with it, so he/she can handle it. I was more interested in a round table discussion than a party, but a pizza party works for me!!
February 8, 2009 @ 9:39 PM
If 20 or so people are
If 20 or so people are interested in getting together on a Saturday morning in March sometime I will put something together at a banquet room at one of the local hotels. I would love to sit down with all Piggs from all different corners of the County regardless of political views. It’s time to brainstorm with some smart individuals while getting to know our fellow Piggs!
If you aren’t interested no big deal, but I thought I would give it shot!
February 8, 2009 @ 9:58 PM
Do you really want a
Do you really want a diversity of views?
If so, I would be down.
If you are looking for people to agree with you (please excuse my cynicism but come on) then maybe not.
I prefer conversations with people I disagree with.
That’s why Fredo and his life partner Guido think I am grumpy.
Also, I think Allan is Guido.
February 8, 2009 @ 10:14 PM
Dan: I’m actually more of a
Dan: I’m actually more of a Gunter. I’d be up for such a meeting, too. Sounds like fun.
Sharks? Jets!
February 8, 2009 @ 10:18 PM
I would be more than excited
I would be more than excited to meet all the people I put down in the past, even though it has all been in good fun. The mere fact that I am 6’6 285lbs and used to be the water boy for the Chargers shouldn’t scare anyone!! Urban, all jokes aside, I really think it would be a good thing just to sit down with everyone and run some ideas of how we can get things working from a local perspective and how we can move some of our ideas to a national spectrum. The worst thing that could happen is we find out who the other Pigg is so we can put a face with a username!!
February 8, 2009 @ 10:25 PM
Socrattt: Relative to
Socrattt: Relative to physical size, there’s a great quote out there: “God made all men, but Sam Colt made ’em equal!”
Chargers, huh? I’ll be sure to wear my Raiders hat.
February 8, 2009 @ 10:25 PM
Sure. I am down for
Sure. I am down for whatever.
February 8, 2009 @ 10:34 PM
Back on the shark front,
Back on the shark front, “Deep Blue Sea” is on HBO right now.
Its about cerebrally enhance sharks.
Inevitably, its a Prometheus tale about the sharks killing the scientists.
So really in the end, everyone wins.
February 8, 2009 @ 10:53 PM
TG, makes sense. My little
TG, makes sense. My little guy isn’t quite in sports yet, but that is completely understandable. We have 7 votes, once we hit the 20 marker I am going to start looking for some happy hour spots in town, maybe in Carmel Valley or UTC to keep things somewhat central for those in North County and those way up there in Temecula :). There are plenty of restaurants where we can get a room to ourselves. We’ll have to let the restaurant know they will have a bunch of piggs in the back room!
Maybe we can organize the food before hand, so we don’t have to worry about it when we get there (maybe buffet style). I will throw some dates around in the next week or so to see what is best for everyone!
February 8, 2009 @ 10:23 PM
A Saturday morning at a hotel
A Saturday morning at a hotel would feel like a seminar, the only way this works is with alcohol and is a social event. With all the busy lives and family obligations, might I suggest a non coveted time, like a Sunday afternoon or a Tuesday night/happy hour. Saturday mornings are heavily booked with kid sports for many.
Early week happy hour in S.D. would be cool, something North of the 8 freeway. I often go wine tasting on Sundays up here, it’s no effort to organize a group, even a small one.
Every great song, book or idea came from a meeting of polluted idle minds, no sense in bucking the trend.
February 8, 2009 @ 10:58 PM
TG wrote:
A Saturday morning
TG wrote:
A Saturday morning at a hotel would feel like a seminar, the only way this works is with alcohol and is a social event. With all the busy lives and family obligations, might I suggest a non coveted time, like a Sunday afternoon or a Tuesday night/happy hour. Saturday mornings are heavily booked with kid sports for many.
Second what TG said. I’m thinking along the lines of a pub with a large table in a quiet corner where we could meet, even once every month or two. Weeknights are good, too, for all the reasons stated above.
EDIT: Just saw your response, socratt. Your ideas sound good WRT central location and private room in a restaurant.
February 8, 2009 @ 11:03 PM
What the heck, I’d play as
What the heck, I’d play as long TG and alcohol are involved. I mean seriously, what could go wrong;?
I love a healthy debate and would love to knock a few down with some of the folks I’ve gone head to head with. No one will packin heat….will they?
March 8, 2009 @ 9:54 PM
urbanrealtor wrote:
That’s why Fredo and his life partner Guido think I am grumpy.
Also, I think Allan is Guido.
Allen! I can’t believe it! I leave for a couple of months and this is what I come back to? Did you tell Dan about us?
March 8, 2009 @ 10:45 PM
Will there be strippers? Can
Will there be strippers? Can I bring my dog? Oh wait… wife got dog in divorce.
What was the question?
March 9, 2009 @ 1:10 PM
Oxford wrote:Will there be
[quote=Oxford]Will there be strippers? Can I bring my dog? Oh wait… wife got dog in divorce.
What was the question?
Cough cough.
Wait this isn’t the porn thread….
Where am I?
March 9, 2009 @ 2:32 PM
Fredo: Believe it or not, I
Fredo: Believe it or not, I said nothing to Dan. However, his ability to ferret out information is uncanny! At first, I thought YOU had given our “secret” up (perhaps under some strange sort of interrogation involving Drambuie, Hostess products and a sock puppet).
March 9, 2009 @ 6:04 PM
Allan from Fallbrook
[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]Fredo: Believe it or not, I said nothing to Dan. However, his ability to ferret out information is uncanny! At first, I thought YOU had given our “secret” up (perhaps under some strange sort of interrogation involving Drambuie, Hostess products and a sock puppet).
I do use all those things but i would not exactly call it “interrogation”…
March 9, 2009 @ 7:20 PM
Dan: For the love of God,
Dan: For the love of God, please stop talking. Please. You’re making the bad thoughts come back.
February 8, 2009 @ 11:22 PM
We’ve done this a
We’ve done this a few times actually a few years back. We met up at my sisters resteraunt “Today’s Pizza & Salad” near Encinitas.
If the banquet hall doesn’t work out, I’d be more then happy to help organize another meetup at Today’s.
We can “Pig” out…. ok that was lame 🙂
February 8, 2009 @ 11:35 PM
saiine wrote:Socrattt,
We’ve done this a few times actually a few years back. We met up at my sisters resteraunt “Today’s Pizza & Salad” near Encinitas.
If the banquet hall doesn’t work out, I’d be more then happy to help organize another meetup at Today’s.
We can “Pig” out…. ok that was lame 🙂
Today’s Pizza is a great venue. Was there a few times, very quiet, we can stay without disturbing others. Sat afternoon/evening.
February 8, 2009 @ 11:37 PM
If everyone agrees please let
If everyone agrees please let me know a date/time and I’ll get us a reservation.
February 9, 2009 @ 6:25 AM
Count me in.
Count me in.
February 9, 2009 @ 7:36 AM
Yes, I second that. Count me
Yes, I second that. Count me in.
February 9, 2009 @ 9:18 AM
Count me in, too. I would to
Count me in, too. I would to finally meet all of my fellow Piggs!!
What’s the next step, Socratt?
February 9, 2009 @ 9:26 AM
If partypup is coming there’s
If partypup is coming there’s gonna guns. I gotta check into some body armour;)
February 9, 2009 @ 10:49 AM
I’m scared
I’ll go
I’m scared
I’ll go
But only if girls are invited
February 9, 2009 @ 1:11 PM
How about we have a Steel
How about we have a Steel Cage realtor tag team match for entertainment. I call Russ as my partner.
February 9, 2009 @ 2:10 PM
sdrealtor wrote:How about we
[quote=sdrealtor]How about we have a Steel Cage realtor tag team match for entertainment. I call Russ as my partner.[/quote]
That’s funny.
Thanks for picking me but if I go it won’t really be as a Realtor or wrestler .
It would be fun to see and meet the people that are on the other end of these posts and then come back to it later.Maybe even meet Rich? I owe Allan several beers.LOL. I agree that the venue is perfect. I might be posing as JG or Perry Chase.Wouldn’t that be something if some of the old timers caught on to this thread and came out?
February 9, 2009 @ 2:53 PM
Hi all — I was out of town
Hi all — I was out of town for the weekend and I’m just punching into this thread. By coincidence I had just been thinking that another pigg meetup was seriously overdue. I had been thinking along the lines of what TG suggested, ie a weeknight at a location with food and adult beverages such as Shakespeare’s Pub or something.
But this thread just goes to show that if you procrastinate long enough, someone will do it for you!
Anyway, I’m on board. That Today’s Pizza place, while a bit far afield for us southern-folk, was really quite a good venue in terms of size, noise level, etc, so that’s fine by me if that’s what everyone wants to do.
February 9, 2009 @ 4:07 PM
Well if partypup, with her
Well if partypup, with her hoard of gold and cash, is willing to out herself then I cannot have an excuse. As long as you all acknowledge that I am dirt poor, living in a shabby yet well-defended hovel on the mean streets of bullet-riddled Mira Mesa.
Rich is going? It’s on! Now all we need is HLS and the other heavy-hitters… Can someone give Marion a call?
My only complaint is Northbound 5 traffic on a weekday during rush hour… I don’t think I can show up before 7:40 if that is the case.
February 9, 2009 @ 5:56 PM
I guess Saiine is pushing for
I guess Saiine is pushing for the pizza party at Todays. I was thinking of bit more professional setting, but if it helps Sainne family out I don’t mind where we go. I find it interesting as soon as I try to put something together someone else jumps in and takes control. It is now in the hands of Saiine!
February 9, 2009 @ 9:30 PM
What if we have three or four
What if we have three or four different handles we go under. Would that ruin it.
February 10, 2009 @ 10:19 AM
I want to know who the 4
I want to know who the 4 people that voted “no” are.
February 10, 2009 @ 10:56 AM
A couple of great points
A couple of great points here. What if I get there and there are only a hand full of piggs (multiple personalities) that turn out used more than 10 loggins each…….that’s why we ought to have a bar nearby…….LOL
February 10, 2009 @ 11:22 AM
nothing worse than
nothing worse than finding out all you’ve been talking with is one dude and a bunch of his sock puppets
February 10, 2009 @ 6:37 PM
Enorah wrote:I want to know
[quote=Enorah]I want to know who the 4 people that voted “no” are.
I’ll fess up. I think I was the first one to vote “no”. It was a knee-jerk reaction. If I understood socratts post, he wanted to have a somewhat formal brainstorming event regarding How we can get things moving from a local level, and then take it national. In other words, a serious political discussion. I’ve seen those discussions on this site – and they are brutal. They generally do not have a nice, friendly, social feel to them.
However, when I look at the other thread regarding where it’s going to take place – well, that’s got an entirely different feel to it.
It went from a political brainstorming session to a beer drinking social event with no particular agenda – and I think some are on the verge of sneaking off to the parking lot to share a doobie! That idea has some potential and I wouldn’t have voted “no” on that one.
February 10, 2009 @ 12:08 PM
Is this the same as this
Is this the same as this
or are we talking 2 different meet-ups ?
February 10, 2009 @ 5:48 PM
Are you still making
Are you still making real estate decisions by the rhythms of the moon and eagle feathers?
February 10, 2009 @ 10:30 PM
This is a dead thread!!
This is a dead thread!! Saiine has taken over duties. I threw the idea out and Saiine ran with it, so he/she can handle it. I was more interested in a round table discussion than a party, but a pizza party works for me!!