Capitalist ideology is so Capitalist ideology is so deeply embedded in my worldview that i cannot imagine a noncapitalist world. Its not remotely possible. It is more likely Jesus will come back and destroy all Starbucks and burn us all in fire than capitalism will end.
It is more likely you will win the lottery 1,000 times in a row than capitalism will end.
It is more likely that trump will woo and seduce AOC than capitalism will end.
It is far more likely that jewish space lasers will kill our reptilian overlords and force us all to eat gefilte fish day and night than…
This is what it is.
February 2, 2021 @
7:12 PM
I’ll be dead before either I’ll be dead before either happen, so doesn’t matter.
February 2, 2021 @
7:17 PM
It is impossible to imagine a It is impossible to imagine a non capitalist america. You cant. I dare you.
Our ideology is us.
February 18, 2021 @
2:54 PM
I wonder how a I wonder how a government-controlled global digital currency might affect the future of capitalism. And if it will 2 or 3 days after the end of capitalism when a meteor of death turns us all into space dust.
February 2, 2021 @
7:33 PM
Shouldn’t there be a third Shouldn’t there be a third option: neither occurs?
February 3, 2021 @
9:05 AM
svelte wrote:Shouldn’t there [quote=svelte]Shouldn’t there be a third option: neither occurs?[/quote]
“It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” J. Zizek.
February 2, 2021 @
8:57 PM
How do you define capitalism?
How do you define capitalism? Is China capitalism? Capitalism has very short history, so how could you bet on that being able to last longer than the mother earth? Human would most likely go extinct but the earth will still be here.
February 2, 2021 @
10:45 PM
carlsbadworker wrote:How do [quote=carlsbadworker]How do you define capitalism? Is China capitalism? Capitalism has very short history, so how could you bet on that being able to last longer than the mother earth? Human would most likely go extinct but the earth will still be here.[/quote]
private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Focus on capital accumulation and competitive markets. Relentless consumption, growth and use of natural resources with no regard to its environmental impact.
February 3, 2021 @
9:05 AM
“It is easier to imagine the “It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” J. Zizek.
February 3, 2021 @
1:39 PM
scaredyclassic wrote:”It is [quote=scaredyclassic]”It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” J. Zizek.[/quote]
The world is unlikely end, since it’s just a big giant rock floating in space. Human might go extinct like the dinosaur but the world will still be here long after.
February 3, 2021 @
6:05 PM
an wrote:
The world is [quote=an]
The world is unlikely end, since it’s just a big giant rock floating in space. Human might go extinct like the dinosaur but the world will still be here long after.[/quote]
Some of the things in nature boggle my mind.
Dinosaurs wandered the earth for 165 million years.
Humans have been around a mere 200K years. We ain’t got nuthin on dinosaurs.
Also – think about the molten lava that oozes from the center of the earth to this day. A planet that has been around for 4.5 billion years. Billion with a “b”.
I have trouble even grasping that length of time.
February 3, 2021 @
8:25 PM
an wrote:scaredyclassic [quote=an][quote=scaredyclassic]”It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” J. Zizek.[/quote]
The world is unlikely end, since it’s just a big giant rock floating in space. Human might go extinct like the dinosaur but the world will still be here long after.[/quote]
Wait, I thought the earth was just one big flat plain that the sun revolves around…. I mean, lately I’ve been reading a lot about this, are you telling me that’s not true? I’m so confused.
February 3, 2021 @
8:54 PM
The earth is neither flat nor The earth is neither flat nor dying. We are not the center of the universe and we don’t have the power to kill the earth. We can make it be less habitable, but if we think we can live on Mars, then we can live on whatever we change the earth to be. If we can’t survive in the new earth, then we’ll die off and some other life form will take our place and the earth will be here probably Billions years from now. Unless a black hole suck us all in.
February 3, 2021 @
9:45 PM
If nothing else the lizards If nothing else the lizards will survive
February 3, 2021 @
9:47 PM
And walls And walls
February 15, 2021 @
8:18 AM
an wrote:
The world is [quote=an]
The world is unlikely end, since it’s just a big giant rock floating in space. Human might go extinct like the dinosaur but the world will still be here long after.[/quote]
[quote=carlsbadworker]How do you define capitalism?[/quote]
the most likely scenario is the interconnected global economy is going to continue the trend of environmental degradation AND given turbo-crony-state capitalism, this makes conflict (i.e. “war”) over remaining limited resources inevitable
to see why this is the most likely scenario, consider the local elected political leadership,…
now consider the lingering effects of elected political leadership at the national level where TRUMP wrecked and put in barriers place which will continue the trend of environmental degradation
NOTE it’s important to consider elected political leadership because they are the ones at the controls and set the tone of directing which resources such as basic infrastructure (i.e. water treatment systems, transportation corridors, etc.) are funded
also we need to consider to successfully fund basic infrastructure programs everything must be aligned just right
point being since most politicians only talents are “being convincing and conniving” (rarely if ever do they ever tackle real problems like environmental degradation head on),… when no talent ass clowns are at the controls then building infrastructure (which requires a smooth running economy) needed for people to adapt to climate change will be difficult/impossible
February 3, 2021 @
8:28 PM
I predict we will finally be I predict we will finally be able to reach mars, we will be be able to colonize it, we will end up pissing off some other intelligent life form..
And then all our earthly problems will seem so trivial
February 3, 2021 @
10:21 PM
Scaredy, visit Laos if you Scaredy, visit Laos if you want to see non-totalitarian communism in action.
They did not have Starbucks or any American chain when I was there, but they used our currency. They did have private coffeeshops with delicious coffee. Restaurants were in fact the main bit of visible capitalism, though they all served state-owned Beer Lao.
February 3, 2021 @
10:26 PM
Global population will likely Global population will likely start declining, and northern Canada and Siberia are far more habitable and closer than Mars if people feel they need lots of space.
February 2, 2021 @ 7:08 PM
Capitalist ideology is so
Capitalist ideology is so deeply embedded in my worldview that i cannot imagine a noncapitalist world. Its not remotely possible. It is more likely Jesus will come back and destroy all Starbucks and burn us all in fire than capitalism will end.
It is more likely you will win the lottery 1,000 times in a row than capitalism will end.
It is more likely that trump will woo and seduce AOC than capitalism will end.
It is far more likely that jewish space lasers will kill our reptilian overlords and force us all to eat gefilte fish day and night than…
This is what it is.
February 2, 2021 @ 7:12 PM
I’ll be dead before either
I’ll be dead before either happen, so doesn’t matter.
February 2, 2021 @ 7:17 PM
It is impossible to imagine a
It is impossible to imagine a non capitalist america. You cant. I dare you.
Our ideology is us.
February 18, 2021 @ 2:54 PM
I wonder how a
I wonder how a government-controlled global digital currency might affect the future of capitalism. And if it will 2 or 3 days after the end of capitalism when a meteor of death turns us all into space dust.
February 2, 2021 @ 7:33 PM
Shouldn’t there be a third
Shouldn’t there be a third option: neither occurs?
February 3, 2021 @ 9:05 AM
svelte wrote:Shouldn’t there
[quote=svelte]Shouldn’t there be a third option: neither occurs?[/quote]
“It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” J. Zizek.
February 2, 2021 @ 8:57 PM
How do you define capitalism?
How do you define capitalism? Is China capitalism? Capitalism has very short history, so how could you bet on that being able to last longer than the mother earth? Human would most likely go extinct but the earth will still be here.
February 2, 2021 @ 10:45 PM
carlsbadworker wrote:How do
[quote=carlsbadworker]How do you define capitalism? Is China capitalism? Capitalism has very short history, so how could you bet on that being able to last longer than the mother earth? Human would most likely go extinct but the earth will still be here.[/quote]
private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Focus on capital accumulation and competitive markets. Relentless consumption, growth and use of natural resources with no regard to its environmental impact.
February 3, 2021 @ 9:05 AM
“It is easier to imagine the
“It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” J. Zizek.
February 3, 2021 @ 1:39 PM
scaredyclassic wrote:”It is
[quote=scaredyclassic]”It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” J. Zizek.[/quote]
The world is unlikely end, since it’s just a big giant rock floating in space. Human might go extinct like the dinosaur but the world will still be here long after.
February 3, 2021 @ 6:05 PM
an wrote:
The world is
The world is unlikely end, since it’s just a big giant rock floating in space. Human might go extinct like the dinosaur but the world will still be here long after.[/quote]
Some of the things in nature boggle my mind.
Dinosaurs wandered the earth for 165 million years.
Humans have been around a mere 200K years. We ain’t got nuthin on dinosaurs.
Also – think about the molten lava that oozes from the center of the earth to this day. A planet that has been around for 4.5 billion years. Billion with a “b”.
I have trouble even grasping that length of time.
February 3, 2021 @ 8:25 PM
an wrote:scaredyclassic
[quote=an][quote=scaredyclassic]”It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.” J. Zizek.[/quote]
The world is unlikely end, since it’s just a big giant rock floating in space. Human might go extinct like the dinosaur but the world will still be here long after.[/quote]
Wait, I thought the earth was just one big flat plain that the sun revolves around…. I mean, lately I’ve been reading a lot about this, are you telling me that’s not true? I’m so confused.
February 3, 2021 @ 8:54 PM
The earth is neither flat nor
The earth is neither flat nor dying. We are not the center of the universe and we don’t have the power to kill the earth. We can make it be less habitable, but if we think we can live on Mars, then we can live on whatever we change the earth to be. If we can’t survive in the new earth, then we’ll die off and some other life form will take our place and the earth will be here probably Billions years from now. Unless a black hole suck us all in.
February 3, 2021 @ 9:45 PM
If nothing else the lizards
If nothing else the lizards will survive
February 3, 2021 @ 9:47 PM
And walls
And walls
February 15, 2021 @ 8:18 AM
an wrote:
The world is
The world is unlikely end, since it’s just a big giant rock floating in space. Human might go extinct like the dinosaur but the world will still be here long after.[/quote]
[quote=carlsbadworker]How do you define capitalism?[/quote]
the most likely scenario is the interconnected global economy is going to continue the trend of environmental degradation AND given turbo-crony-state capitalism, this makes conflict (i.e. “war”) over remaining limited resources inevitable
to see why this is the most likely scenario, consider the local elected political leadership,…
now consider the lingering effects of elected political leadership at the national level where TRUMP wrecked and put in barriers place which will continue the trend of environmental degradation
NOTE it’s important to consider elected political leadership because they are the ones at the controls and set the tone of directing which resources such as basic infrastructure (i.e. water treatment systems, transportation corridors, etc.) are funded
also we need to consider to successfully fund basic infrastructure programs everything must be aligned just right
point being since most politicians only talents are “being convincing and conniving” (rarely if ever do they ever tackle real problems like environmental degradation head on),… when no talent ass clowns are at the controls then building infrastructure (which requires a smooth running economy) needed for people to adapt to climate change will be difficult/impossible
February 3, 2021 @ 8:28 PM
I predict we will finally be
I predict we will finally be able to reach mars, we will be be able to colonize it, we will end up pissing off some other intelligent life form..
And then all our earthly problems will seem so trivial
February 3, 2021 @ 10:21 PM
Scaredy, visit Laos if you
Scaredy, visit Laos if you want to see non-totalitarian communism in action.
They did not have Starbucks or any American chain when I was there, but they used our currency. They did have private coffeeshops with delicious coffee. Restaurants were in fact the main bit of visible capitalism, though they all served state-owned Beer Lao.
February 3, 2021 @ 10:26 PM
Global population will likely
Global population will likely start declining, and northern Canada and Siberia are far more habitable and closer than Mars if people feel they need lots of space.