I’m a big iPhone fan but I I’m a big iPhone fan but I won’t buy the tablet Mac.
I don’t see the usefulness in it. I had a tablet PC before but I always used the keyboard.
I’m predicting lackluster sales for the next Apple tablet computer.
January 25, 2010 @
10:37 PM
not sure why but i want it not sure why but i want it
January 25, 2010 @
10:48 PM
I’ve had nothing but No.
I’ve had nothing but headaches with Apple products. This includes everything from a Macbook Pro all the way back to a Centris 610.
I’ve had headaches with stuff from Dell, Nokia, etc., but at least I’m not paying top dollar for the privilege of pulling my hair out.
January 25, 2010 @
10:54 PM
there’s already 2 desktops there’s already 2 desktops and 2 laptops at home, really can’t see the need for another form of computer in the house at this time.
January 26, 2010 @
12:53 AM
I’m waiting till I see the I’m waiting till I see the specifics. I cannot live without my iphone but I have pc’s for my computer because of the cost of macs and they really aren’t head and shoulders above pc’s like the phone is. If the tablet breaks new ground, then maybe, but I want to see. If it is a mobile television, with pause and record capabilities then I think I break down and get one. I have xm on my iphone and a skyport in the car so I can get every laker game in the car regardless of where I’m at. But waiting at a kid’s sporting practice or appointments, while recording the game and hoping nobody mentions the score, it’s nerveracking. I’d also like it to replace the kindle, if it had book and magazine capabilities, it would be my new friend at the gym, my iphone is too difficult to manipulate on the treadmill or the elliptical, I’ve debated getting a kindle so if their tablet doubles as one that would be another factor. I’d also like to know the cost and the airtime fee, but if all it is a one piece laptop, then I dont need it. My guess is that it will probably break some new ground and find a niche between the phone and the macbook.
January 26, 2010 @
4:08 PM
I’ll probably buy one mostly I’ll probably buy one mostly for web browsing and as a e-reader. I like the idea of an e-reader (or whatever they’re called) because I have to read a lot, but am completely underwhelmed by the Kindle and it’s equally crappy competitors. Hopefully Jobs was equally underwhelmed and figured he could do it better. It’d be nice to see the bar raised.
Mark Holmes
January 26, 2010 @
5:32 PM
I’ve been looking at I’ve been looking at replacing my 5-year-old laptop, which I use for news reading, email and on-the-road computing, and from what I’ve heard, the new tablet will do all that I need a laptop for, for $600-
$800, in a much more modern, elegant interface. I also think it’s the future for magazines, newspapers and other media that is struggling to adapt to the internet.
Sign me up. Hope it ships before my birthday in mid-March.
January 26, 2010 @
11:17 PM
Looks like it will be what Looks like it will be what most thought it would be, a magazine, a bookstore and a newspaper. In addition to being an internet device that is hot everywhere.
I’m so glad I didn’t buy a kindle, they will be $10 on craigslist in a few months, that is if amazon survives. I need to figure this out, version one will probably be decent but within three years and a few versions they will have destroyed the bookstore and the newstand, like they did the record store. Like mark said above, it may save the “old media” but the printers and the paper companies are going to take huge hits. There are some stock plays for sure, not sure who will be crushed and who will win, tomorrow we should see some of the details. barnes and noble’s stock went up 10% today on the rumor alone they were part of the tablet’s delivery system. Not sure why apple wouldn’t work directly with content providers but if B&N isn’t part of it, you can kiss them goodbye like blockbuster and tower records.
We are going to kill a lot less trees, now I just need to figure out how to get apple to make junk mail and the yellow pages go away, why do they keep putting that book on my doorstep, I haven’t touched one in years.
January 27, 2010 @
1:51 PM
It’s out, here is the 8 It’s out, here is the 8 minute video showing what it does.
It’s no longer a decision about getting one, it’s which one to get.
January 27, 2010 @
2:04 PM
Had to cancel my vote and Had to cancel my vote and change it from Maybe yes to Yes, for sure!
Base price of $499 Holy %$#@
That thing is awesome!
January 27, 2010 @
3:00 PM
temeculaguy, it has no 3G so temeculaguy, it has no 3G so you can’t use it at the gym unless there is wifi there, or unless you download the content ahead of time.
I wish they had the iPhone features built it. Just move the SIM card from iPhone to iPad as necessary with the need to pay for 2 subscriptions.
January 27, 2010 @
3:31 PM
briansd1 wrote:temeculaguy, [quote=briansd1]temeculaguy, it has no 3G so you can’t use it at the gym unless there is wifi there, or unless you download the content ahead of time.
I guess I need to find out I guess I need to find out how the 3G is implemented.
If I can move my AT&T SIM to the iPad (without need to pay AT&T for another subscription) I’ll buy an iPad.
The website says there’s a sim card tray.
Can you make and receive phone calls and text on iPad?
January 27, 2010 @
11:57 PM
No and No, but maybe soon and No and No, but maybe soon and maybe soon. Without getting too technical, they put a new version of a sim card in it, smaller and not compatible (althoug future iphones may have that sim, remains to be seen). They did this (supposedly) for the rest of the world, which 80% uses GSM, and T mobile and other providers throughout the world will likely be converting to this newer sim. No phone calls yet, other than web based, but the subscription is half of ATT other plans ($15 for 250 mb, $30 unlimited) and no contract. There isn’t an att subsidy so they will likley be allowing other providers to carry data plans, but it will be a bit, currenlty T-mobile has to make some changes to work with it, it will work on 2g now. All of the ipads are unlocked, apple wants it this way, they don’t just want the U.S., they want the world. They don’t just want att customers, they want everybody at some point. ATT likely agreed to the cheaper data plans cause they will get a few months of exclusivity.
Expect other providers to offer data service, but not verizon or sprint, the tech world just got a look at them today, give them some time to figure it all out. While I’d love to go get one tomorrow, this is new ground, there will be some bugs and some limitations, they will likely make huge improvements with version 2.0, which will likely be out in a year. From reading all the analysis, they will open this up to more providers over time, probably trying to keep the airtime cheap, making their money off content and hardware, not subscription. They get 30% of everything sold (every book, song, video, movie, newspaper, magazine, etc), so the more it’s out there, the better. While verizon locally is a good provider, if the ipad was designed for verizon, it would only work in 20% of the world, they were shooting for the largest market. But a verizon/sprint version isn’t out of the question because they didn’t enter into the same exclusivity contracts like they did with the phone.
p.s. you can text to it just like you can text between a phone and a pc, I’ll just pay the $15, I’m not sure how to do it, but I know you can do it cause my teenagers can do it. That made me think of another thing, these things will replace textbooks in a few years.
January 28, 2010 @
12:27 AM
I think iPad is targeting a I think iPad is targeting a different market than the Kindle. 10 hrs vs 2-14 days battery life. That’s a huge difference. If you want an e-reader, 10 hrs. is hardly sufficient. Kindle 2 uses EVDO but you don’t have to pay for 3G service. iPad seems to be middle of the road for a tablet and an e-reader. Not good enough to compete w/ the Kindle/Nook/etc and not good enough to compete w/ a full blown tablet w/ a full blown OS (multitasking). Nothing spectacular in my eyes.
BTW, Kindle 2 came out almost a year ago, so a Kindle 3 shouldn’t be too far off.
January 28, 2010 @
12:40 AM
I do not think the book app. I do not think the book app. is really what they are targeting, but with a better battery, that could be solved. I think they are after young, urbans who always want the newest gadget. At that price there should be a lot of sales. The advertising is slick. I am glad some of one of my few remaining funds in the positive has Apple in it. This should also fuel some kind of competition with Microsoft, which is always good for business.
AN since you seem like you also know cars, what do you think of the Toyota recall? Will this help GM or will people wait for the fix, or go to one of the Asian competitors? It should be interesting since this is such a far ranging recall. With the dealers having such huge inventories, it might be the breather they need.
Interesting times.
January 28, 2010 @
11:54 AM
Aecetia wrote:I do not think [quote=Aecetia]I do not think the book app. is really what they are targeting, but with a better battery, that could be solved. I think they are after young, urbans who always want the newest gadget. At that price there should be a lot of sales. The advertising is slick. I am glad some of one of my few remaining funds in the positive has Apple in it. This should also fuel some kind of competition with Microsoft, which is always good for business.
AN since you seem like you also know cars, what do you think of the Toyota recall? Will this help GM or will people wait for the fix, or go to one of the Asian competitors? It should be interesting since this is such a far ranging recall. With the dealers having such huge inventories, it might be the breather they need.
Interesting times.[/quote]
I agree, it doesn’t really have a direct competitor. My comment was a reply to the Kindle price dropping like a rock due to this.
Regards to Toyota recall, it would make a dent in its image but I don’t think it’ll change much. At the end of the day, it’s all about the product and I think Ford is in a much better position than GM. I personally don’t think it’s Domestic vs Foreign, but more of a Free For All scenario. Toyota’s pain might help Huyndai/Honda/Ford/etc. BTW, this recall is no as damaging in my eyes as if it’s for engine catching on fire. I don’t think it affect’s Toyota’s reliability image that much.
January 28, 2010 @
12:24 PM
Interesting re. Toyota. If Interesting re. Toyota. If the US manufacturers were smart they would run some advertising emphasizing their reliability and that they are helping the economy with jobs, but I do not believe that will happen. I think part of the recall is to prevent a blood bath of law suits against the company for anyone who dies in on of these vehicles. I think it is damage control to the 9th degree and it is a smart move.
January 28, 2010 @
12:18 AM
I will certainly buy one. I will certainly buy one. However, I will probably wait for it to have a phone as well. I travel a lot and would love to take one gadget with me instead of two or three.
January 28, 2010 @
9:16 AM
Kobio wrote: I will probably [quote=Kobio] I will probably wait for it to have a phone as well. [/quote]
Sounds like I’ll end up doing that. I can’t see paying $30 extra just for internet on 3G
A phone within the computer would be cool. I can see notebook manufacturers including that feature but if people surf the Net on the laptops that would overwhelm the data networks and cause loss of revenue for wireline broadband
January 28, 2010 @
11:44 AM
If they are too successful If they are too successful with this thing they are gonna crash AT&T’s network. It is already straining under the Iphone useage, and this is even more data intensive it seems.
Reminds me of the “free nights and weekends” promos that came out while I was in college. It was great in the beginning when no one was using it, but after a while it didnt matter cause you couldnt make a call after 9pm cause everyone else was.
January 25, 2010 @ 10:25 PM
I’m a big iPhone fan but I
I’m a big iPhone fan but I won’t buy the tablet Mac.
I don’t see the usefulness in it. I had a tablet PC before but I always used the keyboard.
I’m predicting lackluster sales for the next Apple tablet computer.
January 25, 2010 @ 10:37 PM
not sure why but i want it
not sure why but i want it
January 25, 2010 @ 10:48 PM
I’ve had nothing but
I’ve had nothing but headaches with Apple products. This includes everything from a Macbook Pro all the way back to a Centris 610.
I’ve had headaches with stuff from Dell, Nokia, etc., but at least I’m not paying top dollar for the privilege of pulling my hair out.
January 25, 2010 @ 10:54 PM
there’s already 2 desktops
there’s already 2 desktops and 2 laptops at home, really can’t see the need for another form of computer in the house at this time.
January 26, 2010 @ 12:53 AM
I’m waiting till I see the
I’m waiting till I see the specifics. I cannot live without my iphone but I have pc’s for my computer because of the cost of macs and they really aren’t head and shoulders above pc’s like the phone is. If the tablet breaks new ground, then maybe, but I want to see. If it is a mobile television, with pause and record capabilities then I think I break down and get one. I have xm on my iphone and a skyport in the car so I can get every laker game in the car regardless of where I’m at. But waiting at a kid’s sporting practice or appointments, while recording the game and hoping nobody mentions the score, it’s nerveracking. I’d also like it to replace the kindle, if it had book and magazine capabilities, it would be my new friend at the gym, my iphone is too difficult to manipulate on the treadmill or the elliptical, I’ve debated getting a kindle so if their tablet doubles as one that would be another factor. I’d also like to know the cost and the airtime fee, but if all it is a one piece laptop, then I dont need it. My guess is that it will probably break some new ground and find a niche between the phone and the macbook.
January 26, 2010 @ 4:08 PM
I’ll probably buy one mostly
I’ll probably buy one mostly for web browsing and as a e-reader. I like the idea of an e-reader (or whatever they’re called) because I have to read a lot, but am completely underwhelmed by the Kindle and it’s equally crappy competitors. Hopefully Jobs was equally underwhelmed and figured he could do it better. It’d be nice to see the bar raised.
January 26, 2010 @ 5:32 PM
I’ve been looking at
I’ve been looking at replacing my 5-year-old laptop, which I use for news reading, email and on-the-road computing, and from what I’ve heard, the new tablet will do all that I need a laptop for, for $600-
$800, in a much more modern, elegant interface. I also think it’s the future for magazines, newspapers and other media that is struggling to adapt to the internet.
Sign me up. Hope it ships before my birthday in mid-March.
January 26, 2010 @ 11:17 PM
Looks like it will be what
Looks like it will be what most thought it would be, a magazine, a bookstore and a newspaper. In addition to being an internet device that is hot everywhere.
I’m so glad I didn’t buy a kindle, they will be $10 on craigslist in a few months, that is if amazon survives. I need to figure this out, version one will probably be decent but within three years and a few versions they will have destroyed the bookstore and the newstand, like they did the record store. Like mark said above, it may save the “old media” but the printers and the paper companies are going to take huge hits. There are some stock plays for sure, not sure who will be crushed and who will win, tomorrow we should see some of the details. barnes and noble’s stock went up 10% today on the rumor alone they were part of the tablet’s delivery system. Not sure why apple wouldn’t work directly with content providers but if B&N isn’t part of it, you can kiss them goodbye like blockbuster and tower records.
We are going to kill a lot less trees, now I just need to figure out how to get apple to make junk mail and the yellow pages go away, why do they keep putting that book on my doorstep, I haven’t touched one in years.
January 27, 2010 @ 1:51 PM
It’s out, here is the 8
It’s out, here is the 8 minute video showing what it does.
It’s no longer a decision about getting one, it’s which one to get.
January 27, 2010 @ 2:04 PM
Had to cancel my vote and
Had to cancel my vote and change it from Maybe yes to Yes, for sure!
Base price of $499 Holy %$#@
That thing is awesome!
January 27, 2010 @ 3:00 PM
temeculaguy, it has no 3G so
temeculaguy, it has no 3G so you can’t use it at the gym unless there is wifi there, or unless you download the content ahead of time.
I wish they had the iPhone features built it. Just move the SIM card from iPhone to iPad as necessary with the need to pay for 2 subscriptions.
January 27, 2010 @ 3:31 PM
briansd1 wrote:temeculaguy,
[quote=briansd1]temeculaguy, it has no 3G so you can’t use it at the gym unless there is wifi there, or unless you download the content ahead of time.
There is 3G – costs $130 more.
January 27, 2010 @ 8:47 PM
I guess I need to find out
I guess I need to find out how the 3G is implemented.
If I can move my AT&T SIM to the iPad (without need to pay AT&T for another subscription) I’ll buy an iPad.
The website says there’s a sim card tray.
Can you make and receive phone calls and text on iPad?
January 27, 2010 @ 11:57 PM
No and No, but maybe soon and
No and No, but maybe soon and maybe soon. Without getting too technical, they put a new version of a sim card in it, smaller and not compatible (althoug future iphones may have that sim, remains to be seen). They did this (supposedly) for the rest of the world, which 80% uses GSM, and T mobile and other providers throughout the world will likely be converting to this newer sim. No phone calls yet, other than web based, but the subscription is half of ATT other plans ($15 for 250 mb, $30 unlimited) and no contract. There isn’t an att subsidy so they will likley be allowing other providers to carry data plans, but it will be a bit, currenlty T-mobile has to make some changes to work with it, it will work on 2g now. All of the ipads are unlocked, apple wants it this way, they don’t just want the U.S., they want the world. They don’t just want att customers, they want everybody at some point. ATT likely agreed to the cheaper data plans cause they will get a few months of exclusivity.
Expect other providers to offer data service, but not verizon or sprint, the tech world just got a look at them today, give them some time to figure it all out. While I’d love to go get one tomorrow, this is new ground, there will be some bugs and some limitations, they will likely make huge improvements with version 2.0, which will likely be out in a year. From reading all the analysis, they will open this up to more providers over time, probably trying to keep the airtime cheap, making their money off content and hardware, not subscription. They get 30% of everything sold (every book, song, video, movie, newspaper, magazine, etc), so the more it’s out there, the better. While verizon locally is a good provider, if the ipad was designed for verizon, it would only work in 20% of the world, they were shooting for the largest market. But a verizon/sprint version isn’t out of the question because they didn’t enter into the same exclusivity contracts like they did with the phone.
p.s. you can text to it just like you can text between a phone and a pc, I’ll just pay the $15, I’m not sure how to do it, but I know you can do it cause my teenagers can do it. That made me think of another thing, these things will replace textbooks in a few years.
January 28, 2010 @ 12:27 AM
I think iPad is targeting a
I think iPad is targeting a different market than the Kindle. 10 hrs vs 2-14 days battery life. That’s a huge difference. If you want an e-reader, 10 hrs. is hardly sufficient. Kindle 2 uses EVDO but you don’t have to pay for 3G service. iPad seems to be middle of the road for a tablet and an e-reader. Not good enough to compete w/ the Kindle/Nook/etc and not good enough to compete w/ a full blown tablet w/ a full blown OS (multitasking). Nothing spectacular in my eyes.
BTW, Kindle 2 came out almost a year ago, so a Kindle 3 shouldn’t be too far off.
January 28, 2010 @ 12:40 AM
I do not think the book app.
I do not think the book app. is really what they are targeting, but with a better battery, that could be solved. I think they are after young, urbans who always want the newest gadget. At that price there should be a lot of sales. The advertising is slick. I am glad some of one of my few remaining funds in the positive has Apple in it. This should also fuel some kind of competition with Microsoft, which is always good for business.
AN since you seem like you also know cars, what do you think of the Toyota recall? Will this help GM or will people wait for the fix, or go to one of the Asian competitors? It should be interesting since this is such a far ranging recall. With the dealers having such huge inventories, it might be the breather they need.
Interesting times.
January 28, 2010 @ 11:54 AM
Aecetia wrote:I do not think
[quote=Aecetia]I do not think the book app. is really what they are targeting, but with a better battery, that could be solved. I think they are after young, urbans who always want the newest gadget. At that price there should be a lot of sales. The advertising is slick. I am glad some of one of my few remaining funds in the positive has Apple in it. This should also fuel some kind of competition with Microsoft, which is always good for business.
AN since you seem like you also know cars, what do you think of the Toyota recall? Will this help GM or will people wait for the fix, or go to one of the Asian competitors? It should be interesting since this is such a far ranging recall. With the dealers having such huge inventories, it might be the breather they need.
Interesting times.[/quote]
I agree, it doesn’t really have a direct competitor. My comment was a reply to the Kindle price dropping like a rock due to this.
Regards to Toyota recall, it would make a dent in its image but I don’t think it’ll change much. At the end of the day, it’s all about the product and I think Ford is in a much better position than GM. I personally don’t think it’s Domestic vs Foreign, but more of a Free For All scenario. Toyota’s pain might help Huyndai/Honda/Ford/etc. BTW, this recall is no as damaging in my eyes as if it’s for engine catching on fire. I don’t think it affect’s Toyota’s reliability image that much.
January 28, 2010 @ 12:24 PM
Interesting re. Toyota. If
Interesting re. Toyota. If the US manufacturers were smart they would run some advertising emphasizing their reliability and that they are helping the economy with jobs, but I do not believe that will happen. I think part of the recall is to prevent a blood bath of law suits against the company for anyone who dies in on of these vehicles. I think it is damage control to the 9th degree and it is a smart move.
January 28, 2010 @ 12:18 AM
I will certainly buy one.
I will certainly buy one. However, I will probably wait for it to have a phone as well. I travel a lot and would love to take one gadget with me instead of two or three.
January 28, 2010 @ 9:16 AM
Kobio wrote: I will probably
[quote=Kobio] I will probably wait for it to have a phone as well. [/quote]
Sounds like I’ll end up doing that. I can’t see paying $30 extra just for internet on 3G
A phone within the computer would be cool. I can see notebook manufacturers including that feature but if people surf the Net on the laptops that would overwhelm the data networks and cause loss of revenue for wireline broadband
January 28, 2010 @ 11:44 AM
If they are too successful
If they are too successful with this thing they are gonna crash AT&T’s network. It is already straining under the Iphone useage, and this is even more data intensive it seems.
Reminds me of the “free nights and weekends” promos that came out while I was in college. It was great in the beginning when no one was using it, but after a while it didnt matter cause you couldnt make a call after 9pm cause everyone else was.