Yeah to me, this Chamberlin guy is the typical so cal realtor blowhard. It will be hilarious to see what happens when things crash and people get wise and turn this fool into a laughingstock. I for one would like to make him into a spectacle for suckering people into bad mortgages. Hopefully he will vanish forever once people realize how much of an idiot he is.
How did he get so much credibility and scam KOGO into that high paying job of pumping real estate on the air?
This George Chamberlin guy is arrogant cocky and rude on the radio when he brags about how great real estate is and always will be for investing. He does admit that it went down in 1992 but then says that now there will not be a downturn because he goes on to say that back in 1992 there were only a few major players for jobs in town and now in 2006 there are more jobs and companies than the few defense companies that layed out many in 1992.
I would actually like to meet this arrogant swaggert and prove him wrong. Lets hope the market crashes soon so I can call this jerk up and call him as a phony.
It is one thing to say great things on an investment if one is correct and quite another matter to be an arrogant pompous jerk and be wrong. I guess only time will tell who is right and wrong on real estate market.