I’d look this place up at zillow and decide whther these owners were in too deep (ie – purchased the place too hight/recently). They’ll never come down to reality – so why bother….
This place was purchased not long ago for $700k or so. The 10yr trend suggests the house is worth more like 5-600k (if that). May take years for prices to get down that far – but should happen.
However, if the owners were long-time owners (or even having owned 4+ years, I’d make a LOOOOOOW-ball offer and see what happens. They’ve got equity and if they actually NEED to sell, a good deal could happen
Really – who would buy a house like this besides a family in the thick of child-rearing? Money is tight, and average incomes are not high in San Diego. Even with a couple hundredK down, the mortgage is a lot for a family making the average wages. Also, it isnt like paychecks have been going UP recently!