Forum Replies Created
October 24, 2016 at 1:36 PM in reply to: OT: I really wish Google Fiber would be in San Diego #802585
Participant[quote=XBoxBoy][quote=no_such_reality]You say “places” and then say “into the field” along with “collect some data … via wifi” and “might do a bit of coding”.
So having supported field staff for a couple decades in various roles couple questions come to mind.
First, will you have access to a decent flat surface (like a desktop/table, etc) to work on? Yes, you see people working with it on their lap at the airport, but really, that’s just because they’re desperate to get it done. You don’t want to work that way
Second, is the “field” basically clean? i.e. Indoor office/store type environment or is it “field” like oil field rig, truck stop, construction site, etc.
Third, are you dependent on interacting with local staff while collecting data and will busting out a laptop be intrusive on that interaction?
Fourth, if this is truly a uni-purpose device, can a simplified tablet or phone be purposed to talk to the data collection device? i.e. could you just use a $59 Amazon BLU android phone with an app to collect the data?
The answers determine if you really what just a $200 disposable laptop, low-end tablet or tabletesque PC like the Surface or Ipad with keyboard.[/quote]
1) No. I will be on a golf course or driving range. I won’t be doing a lot of typing but hitting balls and collecting data on the flight of the balls. This data will appear in the browser that connects to the device (over wifi) and I will then copy the data from the browser into a txt file to be analyzed later. (The device has a built in web server that any browser can connect to)
2) See answer to 1
3) Nope I’ll be doing this on my own. No concerns about clients, staff or anyone I’ll need to impress or interact with.
4) While this will be the laptop’s main function I might use it at night in bed to code a bit(visual studio) or surf the web a bit. I have tried this with an iPad and it connects but iPad (and iPhone) are awkward if not impossible for copying data from browser and storing to txt file. A laptop seems like a simple way to go. (Don’t get me started on the Mac iOS way which seems to include not allowing access to files!)
I don’t want to spend a ton, but it will be a tax deductible business expense and I would probably like it to last a while. I’m thinking 8megs memory and at least 512meg SSD drive, reasonably lightweight would be good, but it doesn’t have to be the lightest laptop ever made. Preferably under a grand.[/quote]
Macbook air $850.
ParticipantHow do we know they are real? Lol
Participant[quote=moneymaker]Very interesting! Many geniuses come here to the US to escape persecution, perhaps the tide is turning.[/quote]
We are already starting to see some of this. Huawei has been poaching a lot of Cisco engineers, simply because Cisco doesn’t want them anymore. Huawei is killing Nokia, Ericsson, Alcatel, Lucent in Europe
Participant[quote=AN][quote=flu]AN’s actually a moderate. Libertarian actually. He’s entitled to his opinion. Lot’s of people don’t like Hillary, and it doesn’t mean they are necessarily pro Trump BTW.[/quote]Thanks for the defense. But don’t worry about it. I’m not trying to convince them or get them to be my friends, so it doesn’t really matter who they assume I’m align. I just find it hilarious that since I think she’s a liar that automatically, I’m a nut job Trump supporter. I feel like this is exactly what’s wrong w/ our politic right now.
But after listening to KPBS during lunch, I feel like there’s a probability that Democrat will take the house and senate as well. How do you feel flu, if Democrats take control of both and the presidency again? At this rate, I feel like if it does happen this year, it’s likely it’ll stay that way for a long while, since the Republican brand is now tainted by Trump and people will use Trump as a litmus test.[/quote]
Not ideal. But then again, we have to look at it this way, a horrendous trump would undermine a lot of other social progress that has been made this far. I’m not looking forward to more of this for example….
Back in more youthful days when I didn’t have a family to think about, there were several times someone said that the exact same thing to me “go back to China”… then again, back in my more reckless days, I would shout back “go back to Europe and find a job so you can stop blaming me because you don’t have one”, reciprocating one stereotype with another.
Looking back, I am surprised i didn’t get my ass kicked. Lol.
Saving on taxes won’t matter if you end up being a minority that is targeted, and given China’s increasing economic clout, it will end up causing a lot of friction with the trump like camps.
10 bucks says that woman the article was about was a trump supporter.
Participant[quote=no_such_reality]I don’t know flu, I was watching Real Time with Bill Maher and the English journalist make a great point.
Countries have been bizarrely voting to “self harm”, he pointed to Brexit and said it’ll screw up the English for ages but made the point that the people lied to the pollsters. He pointed to Colombia and said basically, holy shit, they had a cease fire with FARC on a 50 year war, the people lied to pollsters and then voted to reject the peace deal.
He, like I previously said, people are lying about not voting for Trump. People should get ready.[/quote]
You mean like the UK did recently? Gotta love that tanking British pound. Pretty cheap to go vacation there.
ParticipantGot to love Trump’s business acumen in running a profitable business….NOT….
ParticipantI don’t know. But I have a feeling that it really doesn’t matter. Trump might still win.
I mean it seems like there is no length as to what Trump does that some supporters will ever give up on voting for him. If Trump really murdered someone in cold blood, and used the N word while doing it, I’d say that there would still be 40-42% of the American population that would vote for him. His strongest supporters are beyond any rational thought proccess and beyond thinking as a rational humans. Its all driven by emotion, anger, hate, frustration, and anything that is anti establishment no matter how crude, how vulgar, how reprehensible is what is turning out to be. Its not just the u.s., its Russia, UK, Philippines, and evrn informant where Merkel is losing popularity.
You cannot explain, rationalize, or persuade these folks even if Trump was Satan himself. It’s sad actually.
We are approaching very dark times I am afraid.
ParticipantBesides, a pence versus Hillary. Pence definitely won’t win.
ParticipantLooks like Trump’s past is finally catching up. But I agree WTF were all the other Republicans doing when they were trying to win the primaries.
ParticipantWell like I said, there are people who put in the effort to self improve and there are people who would rather not and take cheap shots at those who do and eventually surpass them. I don’t think folks that this would appeal to are necessarily in an envious economic position, considering they are the ones complaining about the lack of opportunity. Lol.
Older people, I think they are hopeless, so nothing is going to fix their problem. The way to fix this is at a younger age when they are still young and have the ability willingness to self improve. That’s why I spent some of my time with kids that aren’t necessarily good with math and science at school. Just because their parents aren’t good at it doesn’t mean they have to be pigeon holed the same way. I was shocked that for many parents, their understanding of math stops around 5-6th grade here in this country, as some.has spoken to me. That’s a big issue because when you have one teacher teaching 28kodd and spending only about 2-3 hours a day, a lot of child’s are going to get left behind
I grew up working my ass off, just like my parents did. I was raised with the mentality that no one owes you shit, and not to count on anyone. I was raised with the mentality that life ain’t fair, and somewhere along the line, its not going to be an even playing field, and even when that’s the case, stop making sorry ass excuses for yourself, because no one cares. And I was also raised with the notion that so long as you spend more time self improving and less time bitching about the injustices of the world, you would be a much more productive member of society and productive for yourself.[/quote]
Just to play the devil’s advocate (and I am in favor of working hard . . . ) – if you cannot count on anyone, if people simply accept that life isn’t fair, if no one really cares and if no one is willing to combat the injustices of the world – the world will give people just those things. There should be people out there rallying for fair treatment, correcting or at least minimizing the injustices and thinking beyond simply their own needs. People need to get mad when there is unfairness, not just buckle under and work harder. Life isn’t fair but we should always work to make it so, even if we know we won’t succeed. All said, though, this should never be used as an excuse.[/quote]
Well, sure. But that doesn’t seem to be what is happening in the trump camp is it? Let’s see, let’s solve this problem by attacking latinos, Muslims, and to a lesser extent, Asian and Indian H1Bs.
If trump was such an advocate of worker rights, how about simply stating we are going to be enforcing existing immigration laws to ensure we have people who are legally authorized to be here. How about stating we are going to be providing job training to those that have left behind?
The best thing Trump can do is say “we are going to eliminate estate taxes???” Really? Come on, don’t you think this is just ridiculous? You have a bunch of uneducated unskilled underemployed people in the Rustbelt region that are claiming illegals are stealing their minimum wage jobs. And the solution trump comes with is lower estate taxes??????
That might benefit Mr, how does that help some person on minimum wage? And yet, people STILL think he can help their plight?It seems like it’s almost like trump is testing exactly what he can throw out out there before his supporters actually start to think, just to see what sort of nonsense he can get away with. Meanwhile, keep people that don’t think filled with hate so they miss the bigger picture….
When did this “problem” become a personal issue with a particular group of people? That isnt being an advocate. Thats just plain irresponsible as a leader. It doesn’t matter how you soon it.
I am certainly no fan of Bernie, but at least his intention was to help people, as unrealistic as some of his ideas were.
Tla good portion of trump supporters eant to latch onto the easiest thing possible, hate and blame. Why? Because it’s a lot easier than doing the much harder thing
..Work… apparently, people arent desperate enough just yet to actually motivate for the later.The way these people want to solve the problem is by limiting others, without willing to put the time and effort in themselves. No different than affirmative action.
This mindset is mind-boggling to me, coming from the likes of you, flu. Someone who’s grown up in AMERICA with every advantage and has been more successful than most as an adult. Just unbelievable … :=0[/quote]I think that flu’s post is spot on as to the risk of a Trump presidency.
Watch the documentary on Maya Lin, the Chinese American architect. You will see what the deplorables did to her not that long ago, in that 80s. Her opportunities were limited as a result. Congress even forced a change to her design.
Her design is now one of the most beloved and interactive works of American architecture. Any apology since then? No.
Flu has the audacity to want the very best for his kids in whatever field they want to pursue. He’s not content with second best. And that’s where it matters.[/quote]
Actually, it’s much more simple than that.
I grew up working my ass off, just like my parents did. I was raised with the mentality that no one owes you shit, and not to count on anyone. I was raised with the mentality that life ain’t fair, and somewhere along the line, its not going to be an even playing field, and even when that’s the case, stop making sorry ass excuses for yourself, because no one cares. And I was also raised with the notion that so long as you spend more time self improving and less time bitching about the injustices of the world, you would be a much more productive member of society and productive for yourself.
A lot of people had the same or if not better opportunities then me, having years of family history here much earlier, and a lot more financial resources at the time than anyone in my family did. And what happened? They CHOSE not to improve. they CHOSE not to go to college. Or learn new skills..
Unless someone has a mental deficiency, physical limitation, or medical condition, there really is no excuse for why you can’t better yourself especially all the young ones that now complain. For how much time these idiots spent time at campaign rallies, spewing hateful things against immigrants, latinos, h1bs, women,etc, if they actually attended a vocational class and invested time improving themselves, perhaps hey wouldn’t be in the economic and financial situation they are in. And yet, what do they do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
It’s really ironic that for the longest time , Republicans have always said “have some personal responsibility” when anyone suggests things like affirmative action, quotas, inequality between whites and others….
And yet, here we are now, trump supporters predominantly, complaining about how unfair things are, how unfair it is that some immigrants, foreigners have better opportunities, how its unfair how some jobs are disappearing.
What happened to “personal responsibility”?
ParticipantLol. just more shining examples of deplorables….
Well, at least they didn’t put a noose around a caricature of Obama….yet….no problem going there….
Participant[quote=no_such_reality][quote=flu-redux][quote=no_such_reality]So flu, everything you say you’re for is the libertarians. Why are you voting for Clinton instead of Johnson? Purely because you’re afraid Trump might beat her in California? Cause frankly, if so many defect from Clinton she losses California, I think it won’t matter.[/quote]
Johnson has no shot at winning because he is so off from.the other two
…If Trump wasn’t so close to Hillary or Johnson was close enough, I would.
I am being pragmatic.[/quote]Clinton has close to a 20 point lead in California.
Johnson won’t win, but Johnson getting 15% sends a message. Clinton not getting 50% sends a message.
Voting for Clinton is saying the two parties giving this choice is okay.
But I get it, the risk of Trump is too great of a threat to your family. Devil you know. Eight more years of the last eight years we’ll okay.
I don’t actually believe that. The last eight years were just a continuation of the prior 40 years. 40 years that saw the greatest wealth concentration since the Gilded Age.
This election is no longer about who is President this round, it’s really about what kind of candidates we see next time.
Trump needs to lose, badly, Clinton and the DNC needs to shit their pants that they nearly loss.
A repeat of 2000 would be good. An Electoral deadlock even better. Johnson taking any state and f***ing it all up the best (not going to happen)
IMHO, the DNC needs to get to Nov 9th and realize their rigging the primary against Bernie might cost them.
IMHO, Bernie versus Trump wouldn’t even be close.[/quote]
What really has been that terrible for the past 8 years wrto the economy in CA?
Me personally. I thought it was a pretty good 8 years. I am looking at my 2015 taxes I just finished last night (lol) and my effective tax rate is now 21.5% federal. 8 years ago, it was about 17.6%…But, 1. my AGI is about 33% more than it was 8 years ago, 2. I am in a higher tax bracket and 3. I lost part of my mortgage interest deduction last year when most of the loan balances left wereaonly principal payments.
So on hindsight, it wasn’t bad, at least not in CA and at least not for me, and certainly my standard of living didn’t go down.
On thing I did learn. Since Trump is TaxSmart… I am definitely Tax Dumb for paying it.