Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI hate to quote Family Guy, but this is one of my favorite lines from when the family visits Ground Zero:
Peter: Ground Zero. So this is where the first guy got AIDS.
Brian: No, Peter, this is the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks!
Peter: Oh, so Saddam Hussein did this?
Brian: No.
Peter: The Iraqi army?
Brian: No.
Peter: Some guys from Iraq?
Brian: No.
Peter: That one lady who visited Iraq that one time?
Brian: No, Peter, Iraq had nothing to do with this. It was a bunch of Saudi Arabians, Lebanese, and Egyptians financed by a Saudi Arabian guy living in Afghanistan and sheltered by Pakistanis.
Peter: So…you’re saying we need to invade Iran?Doofrat
ParticipantIt doesn’t matter that it’s global, unless the buyers either a) buy all the real estate in Vancouver or b) continue buying real estate in Vancouver until time ends, it’s temporary upward pressure on prices pushing it above it’s fundamental price.
As soon as the prices get so high that the Chinese decide to look elsewhere other than Vancouver, or they get sick of buying inflated real estate and switch to gold or any other scenario, prices would likely try to revert to their mean again.Doofrat
Participant[quote=no_such_reality]Yep, reading something like this
Sale History & Tax Info Sale History
10/12/2006: $570,000
01/14/2003: $355,000
08/27/1997: $165,000Makes you ask just how much a place is really worth.[/quote]
Well according to my calculations, this place should be worth just shy of $900,000 by now.
Participant[quote=scaredyclassic]it does seem irrational that the creator is a bear on aunicycle who farts souls. first of all, bears are small and bound to the earth, probably, they only live in certain habitats. it’s not really likely that the farting and the soul are connected. it just seems irrational to think that souls are created by farting bears. is it dogmatic to hold to that view? no. probably not. there’s nothing to support it. for those who believe that we will find out in the afterlife that indeed, there is a special bear, one not bound by earthly laws, one who rides and farts souls…i say…dogmatically…no…no, that’s wrong.
[/quote]Scaredy, it’s a CLOWN riding a unicycle, not a BEAR, that’s the other religion. Geesh, before you go bagging on my Clown religion maybe you need to understand it better!
Participant[quote=scaredyclassic]All of the Mormons I’ve worked with universally are super nice people, good humored, sharp critical thinkers. I just can’t get how they can read that book and not say “hmmmmmm. No”.[/quote]
Brainwashed at an early age, combined with something wired into us that, if tickled, results in us believing some wacky tale. Same as any religion though, they’re ALL the same – fill in the unknown with some crap and people’s brains just turn to mush and all reason goes out the window.
I always find it funny when religious people bash on Mormons, Catholics, Muslims, Scientologists, etc. for how crazy their story is while they themselves choose to believe some bizarre tale spun by a science fiction writer, a con man from Chicago, or some asshole a few thousand years ago claiming he is the son of God himself.
You could have a religion where a clown on a unicycle the size of the universe rode around in the Heavens and when he tooted his horn the unicycle turned into the universe and we were all created. You’d have true believers with genius level IQs explaining why you can’t disprove his Clown God religion. Meanwhile, someone else would be saying that, no, it’s a bear that eats honey and farts souls that’s what really created everything, you’re crazy to think that it’s a clown!
It’s bizarre to me to live in this world where intelligent people are talking about these stories like they are true. It’s almost like people talking about which television show they like better, but the crazy thing is they actually believe the show is real. And then not believing in one of these crazy stories is considered weird and in some areas/times, grounds for ostracization, discrimination, or even death. It’s bizarre…truly bizarre.
ParticipantI think leasing makes sense for businesses that don’t want to deal with amortizing/depreciation and I can totally see that, it takes away the accounting hassle. For the average consumer, I feel that leasing leaves a lot of gray area with regards to all the terms added to a lease, and I know that the dealer is surely going to be the one taking advantage of the terms.
ParticipantCan’t remember where I heard this:
Religion is like a penis: It’s fine if you have one and it’s fine if you’re proud of it, just please don’t wave it around in public or try to shove it down my throat.Doofrat
ParticipantWhat if there was a Piggington meetup that was:
1) Mandatory – All posters in the last 12 months were somehow legally obliged to attend
2) Everyone had to wear a large name tag with their username on it
3) Had an open barHow long would it take before the first fist flew?
Participant[quote=flu][quote=livinincali]I’m glad I don’t live in CV. If I did I could have this psychopath for a neighbor. Do you think property values around her house just went down?[/quote]
No, because technically she doesn’t live in CV.. She lost the home because the other person with more money outbid her, remember? 🙂
By making housing expensive, we weed out most of the rift-rafts… 🙂 (end sarcasm)[/quote]
Actually she does live in Carmel Valley and her Zestimate has gone up $17,000 in the last 30 days.
ParticipantThank You Flyer!
Participant[quote=zk]You can be a boor, a bore, a wretch and a fool. You can be mean, selfish, rude, inconsiderate, self-centered and ill-mannered. You can have annoying habits, a surly temperament and poor personal hygiene. Your dog cares about none of this.
If you’re a real schmuck, it’s a lot easier to find (what you think is) love, affection and approval from a dog than from a human.[/quote]
So that’s why so many dog owners are F%$^tards.
ParticipantHi Flyer,
When you’re flying a large aircraft, does it feel like you’re sitting in the nose of a gigantic aircraft, strapped into a smaller plane, or driving a bus?
Always wondered this…March 24, 2014 at 10:35 AM in reply to: Study shows mortgage interest deduction doesn’t encourage home ownership #772179Doofrat
Participant[quote=CA renter]Too many people think it’s a good idea to spend $1.00 in order to “save” 25-30 cents (or less!).[/quote]
I think the understanding of this is somewhere between spending $1.00 to “save” 25-30 cents and — I get to “write off” the whole dollar somewhere on my taxes but I don’t know where because I just punch it into Turbo Tax or have my tax guy at H&R Block do it and it’s a good thing because I get a refund that is free money and would probably have to pay $10,000 in taxes if I was a sucker paying rent.
ParticipantLooks kinda like Sam Suleiman.