If I were very busy and did not have a house in mind, or if I were new to an area, I would hire a top-notch buyers’ agent – someone who represents only buyers and not sellers. They are hard to find, but worth it when you do.
If I had some time to spare, or were on a budget, or if my wife could spend time previewing houses, and I were looking in San Deigo, I would represent myself in the transaction, and make lower offers, indicating there is no buyers’ agent commission. Or I would try to find a For Sale By Owner property to try and cut all realtors out of the deal.
People don’t appreciate how much time it takes to first find, then buy a house.
Rich – something wierd is going on with this thread. I posted a new item and it moved one of my older items (now dated sept 4 and 11:12) to the end.