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  • #816011
  • Germany – 455 deaths, 57298 cases = 0.79%
  • South Korea – 158 deaths, 9661 cases = 1.6%
  • United States – 2112 deaths, 122653 cases = 1.7%

    Germany has not yet reached the tail of the curve, neither has the US, but South Korea looks like it may have. I am watching the rates through multiple sites because of the lack of consistency.
    WHO sourced:

    I don’t use CDC numbers for the US and compare to the WHO for the rest of the world because they use different metrics and get the data at different times. WorldOMeter is an interesting approach since it uses ‘web site scraping’ including news, but is likely to over-report because of the possibility of double counting. WorldOMeter will also not have a good number of survivors and asymptomatic because that does not make the news.

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