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Home Forums Housing Off topic “coronavirus”

Viewing 15 posts - 751 through 765 (of 1,024 total)
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  • #815912
  • Sen Richard Burr (R-NC)(Chair Sen Intel Comm) – dumped over $600k as market was peaking Feb 7
  • Sen Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga)
  • Rep Susan Davis (D-Ca) Feb 11, Dumped Alaska Air, Royal Caribbean.
  • Senior Aide to Sen Mitch McConnel, purch Moderna mid Jan – but after they announced dev coronavirus vaccine.
  • Aid to Sen Jeanne Shaheen, Sen Foreign Relations – sold Delta late Jan, bought Clorox
  • Sen Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca)sold $1.5-$6mil Allogen Theraputics – Jan 31-Feb 18 ($24.25/sh – $21.72/sh) currently $19.15/sh – low $18.22sh Mar 18.
  • Sen James Inhofe (R-Ok)
  • Sen Rob Wittman (R-Va) purch $1,218 of AbbVie Feb 27 – after company made statement of donating antiviral drugs to China as experimental option. AbbVie has since dropped in value.
  • Rep Scott Peters (D-Ca) sold btw $500k – $1M in ButteGlenn muni bonds, moved $2mil from local gov monds to US Treas storm btw Jan 27, 29. muni bond market is now impacted.

    Ref: + zk posting and refs.

    Sorry about the pigeon English – faster to type things like btw instead of between etc – and takes up less space.

Viewing 15 posts - 751 through 765 (of 1,024 total)
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