- This topic has 170 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 5 months ago by
October 6, 2008 at 11:39 AM #282387October 6, 2008 at 11:41 AM #282065
Participant[quote=jficquette]Here would the mother of all surprises. Don’t look like it will happen now though.
“As WND reported, prominent Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court two months ago claiming Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be elected president. Berg has since challenged Obama publicly that if the candidate will simply produce authorized proof of citizenship, he’ll drop the suit.
Berg told WND the longer the DNC tries to ignore his lawsuit or make it go away – instead of just providing the documents – the more convinced he is that his accusations are correct.
“The real outrage is that there’s nothing in our system that provides that a candidate must provide that his qualifications are true and correct before he or she runs, and that safeguard should be put into our system by law,” Berg said.
John, would you shut the “fiquette” up! Not this bullshit again. Do you think the candidates would have gotten this far if their credentials weren’t checked a long time ago. They are both Senators and I can assure you their citizenship is well established.
Leave it to John to always cite the most objective of media sources…NOT! I am sick of your bullshit and half-baked, half-brained drivel. What partisan lie-factory has you on their payroll? It’s disgusting having to wade through your crap to get to some well-thought through and intelligent discourse.
Why don’t you just put a lid on it if you can’t see through your own deluded haze or at least be discreet about the fact that you are a partisan whore?
October 6, 2008 at 11:41 AM #282346Shadowfax
Participant[quote=jficquette]Here would the mother of all surprises. Don’t look like it will happen now though.
“As WND reported, prominent Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court two months ago claiming Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be elected president. Berg has since challenged Obama publicly that if the candidate will simply produce authorized proof of citizenship, he’ll drop the suit.
Berg told WND the longer the DNC tries to ignore his lawsuit or make it go away – instead of just providing the documents – the more convinced he is that his accusations are correct.
“The real outrage is that there’s nothing in our system that provides that a candidate must provide that his qualifications are true and correct before he or she runs, and that safeguard should be put into our system by law,” Berg said.
John, would you shut the “fiquette” up! Not this bullshit again. Do you think the candidates would have gotten this far if their credentials weren’t checked a long time ago. They are both Senators and I can assure you their citizenship is well established.
Leave it to John to always cite the most objective of media sources…NOT! I am sick of your bullshit and half-baked, half-brained drivel. What partisan lie-factory has you on their payroll? It’s disgusting having to wade through your crap to get to some well-thought through and intelligent discourse.
Why don’t you just put a lid on it if you can’t see through your own deluded haze or at least be discreet about the fact that you are a partisan whore?
October 6, 2008 at 11:41 AM #282348Shadowfax
Participant[quote=jficquette]Here would the mother of all surprises. Don’t look like it will happen now though.
“As WND reported, prominent Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court two months ago claiming Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be elected president. Berg has since challenged Obama publicly that if the candidate will simply produce authorized proof of citizenship, he’ll drop the suit.
Berg told WND the longer the DNC tries to ignore his lawsuit or make it go away – instead of just providing the documents – the more convinced he is that his accusations are correct.
“The real outrage is that there’s nothing in our system that provides that a candidate must provide that his qualifications are true and correct before he or she runs, and that safeguard should be put into our system by law,” Berg said.
John, would you shut the “fiquette” up! Not this bullshit again. Do you think the candidates would have gotten this far if their credentials weren’t checked a long time ago. They are both Senators and I can assure you their citizenship is well established.
Leave it to John to always cite the most objective of media sources…NOT! I am sick of your bullshit and half-baked, half-brained drivel. What partisan lie-factory has you on their payroll? It’s disgusting having to wade through your crap to get to some well-thought through and intelligent discourse.
Why don’t you just put a lid on it if you can’t see through your own deluded haze or at least be discreet about the fact that you are a partisan whore?
October 6, 2008 at 11:41 AM #282389Shadowfax
Participant[quote=jficquette]Here would the mother of all surprises. Don’t look like it will happen now though.
“As WND reported, prominent Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court two months ago claiming Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be elected president. Berg has since challenged Obama publicly that if the candidate will simply produce authorized proof of citizenship, he’ll drop the suit.
Berg told WND the longer the DNC tries to ignore his lawsuit or make it go away – instead of just providing the documents – the more convinced he is that his accusations are correct.
“The real outrage is that there’s nothing in our system that provides that a candidate must provide that his qualifications are true and correct before he or she runs, and that safeguard should be put into our system by law,” Berg said.
John, would you shut the “fiquette” up! Not this bullshit again. Do you think the candidates would have gotten this far if their credentials weren’t checked a long time ago. They are both Senators and I can assure you their citizenship is well established.
Leave it to John to always cite the most objective of media sources…NOT! I am sick of your bullshit and half-baked, half-brained drivel. What partisan lie-factory has you on their payroll? It’s disgusting having to wade through your crap to get to some well-thought through and intelligent discourse.
Why don’t you just put a lid on it if you can’t see through your own deluded haze or at least be discreet about the fact that you are a partisan whore?
October 6, 2008 at 11:41 AM #282402Shadowfax
Participant[quote=jficquette]Here would the mother of all surprises. Don’t look like it will happen now though.
“As WND reported, prominent Pennsylvania Democrat and attorney Philip J. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court two months ago claiming Obama is not a natural-born U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be elected president. Berg has since challenged Obama publicly that if the candidate will simply produce authorized proof of citizenship, he’ll drop the suit.
Berg told WND the longer the DNC tries to ignore his lawsuit or make it go away – instead of just providing the documents – the more convinced he is that his accusations are correct.
“The real outrage is that there’s nothing in our system that provides that a candidate must provide that his qualifications are true and correct before he or she runs, and that safeguard should be put into our system by law,” Berg said.
John, would you shut the “fiquette” up! Not this bullshit again. Do you think the candidates would have gotten this far if their credentials weren’t checked a long time ago. They are both Senators and I can assure you their citizenship is well established.
Leave it to John to always cite the most objective of media sources…NOT! I am sick of your bullshit and half-baked, half-brained drivel. What partisan lie-factory has you on their payroll? It’s disgusting having to wade through your crap to get to some well-thought through and intelligent discourse.
Why don’t you just put a lid on it if you can’t see through your own deluded haze or at least be discreet about the fact that you are a partisan whore?
October 6, 2008 at 11:41 AM #282070afx114
Participant[quote=DWCAP]Now PLEASE, someone please tell me why you support Obama.[/quote]
Some reasons why I support Obama:
- His opposition of the Iraq War at a time when it was politically risky to do so.
- His educational background. President of Harvard Law. Constitutional Scholar. In a time when our Constitution is being shredded, we need someone who has spent years studying and analyzing it so that it can be restored to what it used to be. I want someone who is smarter than me to be president. The anti-intellectual/anti-science/anti-knowledge movement of this country has got to stop.
- His position on energy and the environment.
- His position on net neutrality.
- His position on education.
- His belief in diplomacy.
- He runs a smart campaign. He took down one of the greatest political machines of our time – The Clintons – and is doing a fairly good job against Rove and his proteges.
- His online presence puts McCain’s to shame and shows you that his campaign is smart, modern, and knows how to use technology in a beneficial way. This will become more and more important as time moves on. A candidate who understands and uses technology to their advantage is a candidate who will succeed.
- He has mobilized the youth in a way that we have never seen.
- His history of supporting the middle class.
- His community organizing. When’s the last time you did something for your community?
- His compelling life story. It is the American Dream. Proof that through hard work, anyone can become anything in this country.
- His demeanor – cool, calm, collected, analytical. These are personal qualities that I respect and believe is needed by a President.
- His political Jujutsu – the way he handled the Wright situation from a political standpoint was most impressive. He’ll do it again with the Ayers swiftboating.
- Yes, he is inspiring. I don’t understand how that has somehow become a negative. Why wouldn’t you want to have an inspiring leader?
Everything we’ve seen from him so far shows that he is a deft politician. From a pure political standpoint, no one can disagree that he has become a political powerhouse.
Now I’m sure anyone can go through my list and pick it apart piece by piece, but this is how politics work. People have different beliefs and different ideas on how the country should move forward. These are my opinions, and yours may differ. For you, Obama may not be the best candidate, but for me, he is.
I certainly don’t agree with Obama on everything. I was disappointed when he caved on FISA, offshore drilling, and the bailout. No candidate is perfect, no candidate will ever match your beliefs 100%, and no candidate will ever make everyone happy. That is impossible. Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good, and hope everything works out in the end. I also don’t think that an Obama administration will achieve everything it has promised – but name a single administration that has. I have no illusions that Obama, or any president for that matter, can just come in and ram through an agenda. You will have to compromise to get stuff done – something we have not seen in a very long time. You have to give a little to get a little. Now some of you will claim that that makes him soft, or that he doesn’t stick to his beliefs, but in the real world, things cannot get done without compromise. If you think otherwise, you are living in a fantasy world.
Now, I’d like a list of reasons why people support John McCain.
October 6, 2008 at 11:41 AM #282350afx114
Participant[quote=DWCAP]Now PLEASE, someone please tell me why you support Obama.[/quote]
Some reasons why I support Obama:
- His opposition of the Iraq War at a time when it was politically risky to do so.
- His educational background. President of Harvard Law. Constitutional Scholar. In a time when our Constitution is being shredded, we need someone who has spent years studying and analyzing it so that it can be restored to what it used to be. I want someone who is smarter than me to be president. The anti-intellectual/anti-science/anti-knowledge movement of this country has got to stop.
- His position on energy and the environment.
- His position on net neutrality.
- His position on education.
- His belief in diplomacy.
- He runs a smart campaign. He took down one of the greatest political machines of our time – The Clintons – and is doing a fairly good job against Rove and his proteges.
- His online presence puts McCain’s to shame and shows you that his campaign is smart, modern, and knows how to use technology in a beneficial way. This will become more and more important as time moves on. A candidate who understands and uses technology to their advantage is a candidate who will succeed.
- He has mobilized the youth in a way that we have never seen.
- His history of supporting the middle class.
- His community organizing. When’s the last time you did something for your community?
- His compelling life story. It is the American Dream. Proof that through hard work, anyone can become anything in this country.
- His demeanor – cool, calm, collected, analytical. These are personal qualities that I respect and believe is needed by a President.
- His political Jujutsu – the way he handled the Wright situation from a political standpoint was most impressive. He’ll do it again with the Ayers swiftboating.
- Yes, he is inspiring. I don’t understand how that has somehow become a negative. Why wouldn’t you want to have an inspiring leader?
Everything we’ve seen from him so far shows that he is a deft politician. From a pure political standpoint, no one can disagree that he has become a political powerhouse.
Now I’m sure anyone can go through my list and pick it apart piece by piece, but this is how politics work. People have different beliefs and different ideas on how the country should move forward. These are my opinions, and yours may differ. For you, Obama may not be the best candidate, but for me, he is.
I certainly don’t agree with Obama on everything. I was disappointed when he caved on FISA, offshore drilling, and the bailout. No candidate is perfect, no candidate will ever match your beliefs 100%, and no candidate will ever make everyone happy. That is impossible. Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good, and hope everything works out in the end. I also don’t think that an Obama administration will achieve everything it has promised – but name a single administration that has. I have no illusions that Obama, or any president for that matter, can just come in and ram through an agenda. You will have to compromise to get stuff done – something we have not seen in a very long time. You have to give a little to get a little. Now some of you will claim that that makes him soft, or that he doesn’t stick to his beliefs, but in the real world, things cannot get done without compromise. If you think otherwise, you are living in a fantasy world.
Now, I’d like a list of reasons why people support John McCain.
October 6, 2008 at 11:41 AM #282353afx114
Participant[quote=DWCAP]Now PLEASE, someone please tell me why you support Obama.[/quote]
Some reasons why I support Obama:
- His opposition of the Iraq War at a time when it was politically risky to do so.
- His educational background. President of Harvard Law. Constitutional Scholar. In a time when our Constitution is being shredded, we need someone who has spent years studying and analyzing it so that it can be restored to what it used to be. I want someone who is smarter than me to be president. The anti-intellectual/anti-science/anti-knowledge movement of this country has got to stop.
- His position on energy and the environment.
- His position on net neutrality.
- His position on education.
- His belief in diplomacy.
- He runs a smart campaign. He took down one of the greatest political machines of our time – The Clintons – and is doing a fairly good job against Rove and his proteges.
- His online presence puts McCain’s to shame and shows you that his campaign is smart, modern, and knows how to use technology in a beneficial way. This will become more and more important as time moves on. A candidate who understands and uses technology to their advantage is a candidate who will succeed.
- He has mobilized the youth in a way that we have never seen.
- His history of supporting the middle class.
- His community organizing. When’s the last time you did something for your community?
- His compelling life story. It is the American Dream. Proof that through hard work, anyone can become anything in this country.
- His demeanor – cool, calm, collected, analytical. These are personal qualities that I respect and believe is needed by a President.
- His political Jujutsu – the way he handled the Wright situation from a political standpoint was most impressive. He’ll do it again with the Ayers swiftboating.
- Yes, he is inspiring. I don’t understand how that has somehow become a negative. Why wouldn’t you want to have an inspiring leader?
Everything we’ve seen from him so far shows that he is a deft politician. From a pure political standpoint, no one can disagree that he has become a political powerhouse.
Now I’m sure anyone can go through my list and pick it apart piece by piece, but this is how politics work. People have different beliefs and different ideas on how the country should move forward. These are my opinions, and yours may differ. For you, Obama may not be the best candidate, but for me, he is.
I certainly don’t agree with Obama on everything. I was disappointed when he caved on FISA, offshore drilling, and the bailout. No candidate is perfect, no candidate will ever match your beliefs 100%, and no candidate will ever make everyone happy. That is impossible. Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good, and hope everything works out in the end. I also don’t think that an Obama administration will achieve everything it has promised – but name a single administration that has. I have no illusions that Obama, or any president for that matter, can just come in and ram through an agenda. You will have to compromise to get stuff done – something we have not seen in a very long time. You have to give a little to get a little. Now some of you will claim that that makes him soft, or that he doesn’t stick to his beliefs, but in the real world, things cannot get done without compromise. If you think otherwise, you are living in a fantasy world.
Now, I’d like a list of reasons why people support John McCain.
October 6, 2008 at 11:41 AM #282394afx114
Participant[quote=DWCAP]Now PLEASE, someone please tell me why you support Obama.[/quote]
Some reasons why I support Obama:
- His opposition of the Iraq War at a time when it was politically risky to do so.
- His educational background. President of Harvard Law. Constitutional Scholar. In a time when our Constitution is being shredded, we need someone who has spent years studying and analyzing it so that it can be restored to what it used to be. I want someone who is smarter than me to be president. The anti-intellectual/anti-science/anti-knowledge movement of this country has got to stop.
- His position on energy and the environment.
- His position on net neutrality.
- His position on education.
- His belief in diplomacy.
- He runs a smart campaign. He took down one of the greatest political machines of our time – The Clintons – and is doing a fairly good job against Rove and his proteges.
- His online presence puts McCain’s to shame and shows you that his campaign is smart, modern, and knows how to use technology in a beneficial way. This will become more and more important as time moves on. A candidate who understands and uses technology to their advantage is a candidate who will succeed.
- He has mobilized the youth in a way that we have never seen.
- His history of supporting the middle class.
- His community organizing. When’s the last time you did something for your community?
- His compelling life story. It is the American Dream. Proof that through hard work, anyone can become anything in this country.
- His demeanor – cool, calm, collected, analytical. These are personal qualities that I respect and believe is needed by a President.
- His political Jujutsu – the way he handled the Wright situation from a political standpoint was most impressive. He’ll do it again with the Ayers swiftboating.
- Yes, he is inspiring. I don’t understand how that has somehow become a negative. Why wouldn’t you want to have an inspiring leader?
Everything we’ve seen from him so far shows that he is a deft politician. From a pure political standpoint, no one can disagree that he has become a political powerhouse.
Now I’m sure anyone can go through my list and pick it apart piece by piece, but this is how politics work. People have different beliefs and different ideas on how the country should move forward. These are my opinions, and yours may differ. For you, Obama may not be the best candidate, but for me, he is.
I certainly don’t agree with Obama on everything. I was disappointed when he caved on FISA, offshore drilling, and the bailout. No candidate is perfect, no candidate will ever match your beliefs 100%, and no candidate will ever make everyone happy. That is impossible. Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good, and hope everything works out in the end. I also don’t think that an Obama administration will achieve everything it has promised – but name a single administration that has. I have no illusions that Obama, or any president for that matter, can just come in and ram through an agenda. You will have to compromise to get stuff done – something we have not seen in a very long time. You have to give a little to get a little. Now some of you will claim that that makes him soft, or that he doesn’t stick to his beliefs, but in the real world, things cannot get done without compromise. If you think otherwise, you are living in a fantasy world.
Now, I’d like a list of reasons why people support John McCain.
October 6, 2008 at 11:41 AM #282407afx114
Participant[quote=DWCAP]Now PLEASE, someone please tell me why you support Obama.[/quote]
Some reasons why I support Obama:
- His opposition of the Iraq War at a time when it was politically risky to do so.
- His educational background. President of Harvard Law. Constitutional Scholar. In a time when our Constitution is being shredded, we need someone who has spent years studying and analyzing it so that it can be restored to what it used to be. I want someone who is smarter than me to be president. The anti-intellectual/anti-science/anti-knowledge movement of this country has got to stop.
- His position on energy and the environment.
- His position on net neutrality.
- His position on education.
- His belief in diplomacy.
- He runs a smart campaign. He took down one of the greatest political machines of our time – The Clintons – and is doing a fairly good job against Rove and his proteges.
- His online presence puts McCain’s to shame and shows you that his campaign is smart, modern, and knows how to use technology in a beneficial way. This will become more and more important as time moves on. A candidate who understands and uses technology to their advantage is a candidate who will succeed.
- He has mobilized the youth in a way that we have never seen.
- His history of supporting the middle class.
- His community organizing. When’s the last time you did something for your community?
- His compelling life story. It is the American Dream. Proof that through hard work, anyone can become anything in this country.
- His demeanor – cool, calm, collected, analytical. These are personal qualities that I respect and believe is needed by a President.
- His political Jujutsu – the way he handled the Wright situation from a political standpoint was most impressive. He’ll do it again with the Ayers swiftboating.
- Yes, he is inspiring. I don’t understand how that has somehow become a negative. Why wouldn’t you want to have an inspiring leader?
Everything we’ve seen from him so far shows that he is a deft politician. From a pure political standpoint, no one can disagree that he has become a political powerhouse.
Now I’m sure anyone can go through my list and pick it apart piece by piece, but this is how politics work. People have different beliefs and different ideas on how the country should move forward. These are my opinions, and yours may differ. For you, Obama may not be the best candidate, but for me, he is.
I certainly don’t agree with Obama on everything. I was disappointed when he caved on FISA, offshore drilling, and the bailout. No candidate is perfect, no candidate will ever match your beliefs 100%, and no candidate will ever make everyone happy. That is impossible. Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good, and hope everything works out in the end. I also don’t think that an Obama administration will achieve everything it has promised – but name a single administration that has. I have no illusions that Obama, or any president for that matter, can just come in and ram through an agenda. You will have to compromise to get stuff done – something we have not seen in a very long time. You have to give a little to get a little. Now some of you will claim that that makes him soft, or that he doesn’t stick to his beliefs, but in the real world, things cannot get done without compromise. If you think otherwise, you are living in a fantasy world.
Now, I’d like a list of reasons why people support John McCain.
October 6, 2008 at 11:53 AM #282090Shadowfax
Participant[quote=Rustico]That comaprision is so unfair to Thomas. He really is a great little engine.[/quote]
Not to echo “Drill, baby, Drill,” but as to Thomas, he is indeed a really useful engine! 😉
October 6, 2008 at 11:53 AM #282371Shadowfax
Participant[quote=Rustico]That comaprision is so unfair to Thomas. He really is a great little engine.[/quote]
Not to echo “Drill, baby, Drill,” but as to Thomas, he is indeed a really useful engine! 😉
October 6, 2008 at 11:53 AM #282373Shadowfax
Participant[quote=Rustico]That comaprision is so unfair to Thomas. He really is a great little engine.[/quote]
Not to echo “Drill, baby, Drill,” but as to Thomas, he is indeed a really useful engine! 😉
October 6, 2008 at 11:53 AM #282414Shadowfax
Participant[quote=Rustico]That comaprision is so unfair to Thomas. He really is a great little engine.[/quote]
Not to echo “Drill, baby, Drill,” but as to Thomas, he is indeed a really useful engine! 😉
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