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Home Forums Closed Forums Buying and Selling RE Should I fix this before I sell?

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  • #678344
  • Makes it harder to pull up the mat under the carpet if the carpet is going to be replaced
  • Leaves potentially sharp ends under the carpet, that you might step on
  • May leave the appearance of dimples in the carpet because the screw may end up compressing the mat under the carpet
  • If it is important, I would look at pulling up the carpet. In fact, if you have old carpet – replacing it will help you get a better price on the house. When the carpet is up, you will be able to see where the nails were placed. Stud finders should then work as well. You can also rap(not drive) the floor with the hammer. It will sound different when you are on top of a joist and the hammer will want to bounce back a bit.

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