yellow you are in great shape if it is accepted by the seller. I understand the mentality about knocking down the price by 5k each week or month. Funny (in a sad way) how when the lenders are working on a loan for you they can get that done in 3 weeks but when it comes to dumping a home it takes em 12 weeks. The fact that the realtor pulled the listing so that no other offers can be taken and submitted to the bank puts you in a really good spot.
Just try to be patient, ask your agent to check in with the listing agent every week or two, and don’t be afraid to keep looking at other stuff every now and then.
On the financing side is where you may be most exposed. Since you cannot really lock in financing until the lender authorizes the sale, just make sure you keep an eye on rates so that you are not caught by any nasty surprises. In reality the odds are 50/50 that your rates will be better when the sale is accepted so you never know, the delay in processing may just be a blessing in disguise.
Keep positive and hey, you got 5 weeks under your belt so you are perhaps halfway there if not sooner. We got an authroization on an Escondido property after 8 weeks very recently so hang in there.