…Rich, on the older site we use to be able to view posts most recent first, is it possible to do that again? Otherwise for really long going posts like this one we have to scroll down really far and it keeps refreshing to the top, which is quite frustrating.
I finally got around to looking into this.
To answer the direct request — unfortunately no, there is not a way to reverse the order. (I spent quite a bit of time looking into this, because there should be a way! But there’s not, without doing custom code which I don’t want to do because I don’t want it to possibly break something years down the road).
The goods news is, that shouldn’t matter, because there should have been a “pagination” feature that only showed 15 or whatever replies per page, and allowed you to very quickly click to the end of the list. However, that was broken — there was no pagination, and every single reply was showing up on a single page, resulting in the frustrating experience pbranding described.
After trying various things, I got pagination to work, but the cost was that I had to turn off comment nesting. This was kind of a cool little feature, but not worth it for the nightmare experience it created on mobile.
So… pagination is working and navigating a long list of replies is much easier, but no more nesting.
Sorry this took so long. In my reply to the original request, I noted that I would try to fix it but that “command-down arrow” (ctrl on a pc) would drop you to the bottom of the page instantly. But that only works on a desktop… I only recently realized what a nightmare it was to manually scroll all the way down a long thread on the phone. That finally got this off the back burner, very belatedly… I apologize to the thumbs of all mobile users of this site.
Also we got the rich text editor working for the forum, and for article comments. Note that the forum and the article comments run on different systems, so they look a bit different. (In general, the article comments functionality is better… eg we can both sort, and nest, article comments). Such is the world of WordPress plugins!
This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Rich Toscano.
This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Rich Toscano.
This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Rich Toscano.
This topic was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Rich Toscano.