For admins that work with higher end solutions, blades, sans, virtualization, larger complex environments.. it’s not going anywhere.
I too admit that it’s a cut throat profession though, when doing interviews, my wife who is in finance would talk about how they went. I would explain that I didn’t know a few of the technical questions, she would go on about how that’s not a big deal etc, they’ll probably train you, etc..
I would just look at her and shake my head.. in IT, the odds of you getting trained into your position is small. She got a job, knew a lot of the basics but would be required to get a decent amount of training, and she got it. In IT, yeah.. put your resume elsewhere.
Plus.. in IT you can’t make mistakes. If you are in finance and screw up a formula, data, etc.. you can change it. IT usually isn’t given those luxuries..
If I was to do it again, I would have become a pharmacist, talk about an enjoyable secure job