ibjames, the reason the carver is so expensive is because they don’t have an investor so each machine is made to order.
ibjames, the reason the carver is so expensive is because they don’t have an investor so each machine is made to order.
ibjames, the reason the carver is so expensive is because they don’t have an investor so each machine is made to order.
ibjames, the reason the carver is so expensive is because they don’t have an investor so each machine is made to order.
ibjames, the reason the carver is so expensive is because they don’t have an investor so each machine is made to order.
Cheap commute vehicles have been tried before, they always went bankrupt. In addition, as soon as you start mass production you have to do all sorts of certification ie crash testing, emissions, etc.
Cheap commute vehicles have been tried before, they always went bankrupt. In addition, as soon as you start mass production you have to do all sorts of certification ie crash testing, emissions, etc.
Cheap commute vehicles have been tried before, they always went bankrupt. In addition, as soon as you start mass production you have to do all sorts of certification ie crash testing, emissions, etc.
Cheap commute vehicles have been tried before, they always went bankrupt. In addition, as soon as you start mass production you have to do all sorts of certification ie crash testing, emissions, etc.
Cheap commute vehicles have been tried before, they always went bankrupt. In addition, as soon as you start mass production you have to do all sorts of certification ie crash testing, emissions, etc.