Another day, a much better state of mind. After reading the OP, I am now somewhat embarrassed for spewing my “Good Will Hunting” moment all over a public blog. Anyways, I want to thank everyone for all the thoughtful comments. I read each one carefully. Obviously I won’t address every post individually, so I’ll simply respond in general terms.
Point taken on the blatant disparity of problem scope in relation to the underclass and third world folks. Nevertheless, I can’t deny the ironic nature of increased achievement being inversely proportional to declining future contentment, at least in my case. Perhaps it’s a personality disorder. Regarding the suggestions of forced relaxation, hanging out with friends over a few drinks, living the simple life and the like, I don’t feel it’s a solution for me. I’ve been doing that to some extent and it only seems to serve as pleasant temporary distractions, not a permanent solution.
I’m going to really take some time to carefully decide what my goals and projects will be for the next ten years. No idea what will be involved, but I’m motivated to do something. All I know is that it won’t have anything to do with wealth accumulation, career, travel, or hobbies.
You folks read too much into my brief religion comment as I’m definitely on the other end of the spectrum from the bible thumping crowd. However as previously stated, I truly envy those able to be touched by spirituality. Some may say this is simply manipulation of weak minds, but I believe it can be real on a personal level and facilitate a healthy state of well being. It has always eluded me no matter how hard I’ve tried. I’ll expend effort in this area.
Short Term Plan:
-Schedule a full physical.
-Start running on a regular basis. The damn dog is going to love it.
-I will read up on Pema Chodrons views on meditation.
– I bought a memory stick and started a personal journal to my children. I’ll give it to them before I kick the bucket.
-My employer once paid for one of these expensive week long seminars on leadership effectiveness. I recalled how much it influenced and motivated me. Lots of great information including a whole section on life balance. I will find it and reread it.
Long Term Plan: TBD
Misc info asked: Late forties, married 22 yrs, 1 kid left in nest rest in college.
I sincerely hope the collective advice provided on this thread finds its way to those undergoing similar experiences. Thanks again to all.