- This topic has 116 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by
January 9, 2014 at 8:53 PM #769645January 9, 2014 at 8:55 PM #769646
Participant[quote=EconProf]This dialogue is depressing. It reveals some people are actually willing to selfishly put thier dog ahead of another human being?? Amazing.
Fortunately, there are still a few good Samaritans here though.[/quote]Jesus
did not have a sheepdog.January 9, 2014 at 9:18 PM #769647NotCranky
Participant[quote=6packscaredy][quote=Blogstar]There is a huge irony here.
About a month ago you were ranting about how your 18 year old, and adult children in general, could care less about their parents and only want what they want…keep costing money….we will all become burdens at best.Now it’s dogs vs. humans…makes no sense.
Your kid has cost and will cost way more than any dog..probably has bitten as many people as most dogs, doesn’t love you as much as my dog loves me. And I can get more for my Australian Shepard than you can for you kid and can’t get in trouble for selling him…..Dogs aren’t looking that bad.[/quote]Irony, inconsistency and dark humor are pretty much all I have. Reproduction is not rational.
However I must say we had a very hilarious repartee at dinner today w whole family present. Hard to put a dollar value on it but I’d say roughly $12,677 worth of entertainment tonite alone.
Next on my reading list. Boredom ; a lively history by Peter toohey.[/quote]
Yeah, but did they want to play fetch afterwards? I doubt it.
January 9, 2014 at 9:50 PM #769649scaredyclassic
ParticipantTrue. No. They just wanted to make me watch videos of animals eating other animals.
Hmm.. Kind of ironic now that I thinkbofbit.
January 9, 2014 at 10:19 PM #769650NotCranky
Participant[quote=6packscaredy]True. No. They just wanted to make me watch videos of animals eating other animals.
Hmm.. Kind of ironic now that I thinkbofbit.[/quote]
The animal shows are great….BBC like to sex them up…a little weird.
But at least it’s honest.In one there are these herds of large deer like animals and the males fight so bad in mating season that the losers are too tired to run from lions and they are also banished to the fringe edges of the herd where the lions eat them ….the winners get the “privileges with the females”….middle son…”what the heck? All that for a piggy back ride !” Hey… it’s better than being eaten by a lion.
January 10, 2014 at 6:36 AM #769656scaredyclassic
ParticipantWhat is the meaning of life?
A lot of fussing and fighting to get a piggyback ride.
Yeah we were watching David at ten borough narrate various bruralities.
January 10, 2014 at 7:06 AM #769657svelte
ParticipantI find it amusing that so many think that humans are unquestionably the superior species and all others are unimportant or subserviant.
It is a mindset I don’t quite understand. The us versus them mentality. You’re either one of us or you’re not. Protect things similar to me first.
Would you save someone with the same hair color as you first?
What about the Fuhrer who put forth that Germans were superior?
January 10, 2014 at 8:03 AM #769663scaredyclassic
Participant[quote=svelte]I find it amusing that so many think that humans are unquestionably the superior species and all others are unimportant or subserviant.
It is a mindset I don’t quite understand. The us versus them mentality. You’re either one of us or you’re not. Protect things similar to me first.
Would you save someone with the same hair color as you first?
What about the Fuhrer who put forth that Germans were superior?[/quote]
I don’t think of dogs as pure “animals”. They are a human creation bred specifically to please u s. They are sentient but I am superior. I dislike I think more precisely the intensely overvalued statusand relationship Americans today have with dogs.
That one could say it is unreasonable see dogs as subservient is frankly the whole problem
We had a dog died a few years ago. Dog was nice german shepherd boxer mix loved me best because I was a runner as nd the dog lived to run. I’d run her off leash in a remote area 5 days a week. I d run 5 miles in hills and she woild probably run 20 25 maybe in circles. Dog loved me best also because she knew I was alpha. We had her 9 years from when she was a small pup.
I yelled at her. Was very forceful physically and psychologically with her. She obeyed verbal commands instantly ev en if she were chasing a rabbit cause I treated her in a very dominant tough manner. Would literally change direction in mid leap and come trotting back to me Wouldn’t listen to my wife at all. She was “nice” to the dog.
Dogs were meant to be rigidly controlled and
subservient. Not equals…
treated “mean”
I have no idea how shit came off the rails but dogs in general 99 percent today are out of fuck ing control. They kind of obey sort of when they feel like it to a chorus of goodboygoodboygoidboy.
When I Say Come here I Mean Right THIS FUCKING second you lowly dog!!!! And once ou’re trained praise is minimal…
this country is going to the dogs.
I kinda liked tha t old running dog. These other dogs we have are crap: I’ve spent zero time with them. They do not obey always and promptly. A dog that doesn’t listen should be killed if untrained. Also all mixes. Impure non german shepherds should be killed. Next cat I’ll name Godwin in honor of this thread.
January 10, 2014 at 8:10 AM #769664zk
Participant[quote=svelte]I find it amusing that so many think that humans are unquestionably the superior species and all others are unimportant or subserviant.
It is a mindset I don’t quite understand. The us versus them mentality. You’re either one of us or you’re not. Protect things similar to me first.
Would you save someone with the same hair color as you first?
What about the Fuhrer who put forth that Germans were superior?[/quote]
Are you a vegan? Do you kill spiders? Do you look down and make sure you’re not stepping on ants when you’re on the sidewalk? Do you kill dozens of insects with your car on your way to work every day?
January 10, 2014 at 8:30 AM #769665scaredyclassic
ParticipantActually we always allow spiders to live and Web in the house.
We like spiders. Like to watch them work. Also they catch bugs.
January 10, 2014 at 6:29 PM #769672joec
I’ve had two great dogs, and, yes, the choice is very easy for me. I wouldn’t for a second even consider letting a human die before either of those dogs.I really have trouble believing what I’m hearing here. You think that the average person would blame outsourcing (or whatever) on an individual foreigner and save their dog over that person partially for that reason. The troubling part is that you’re obviously correct.
The average person is a real schmuck.
Let me ask you this, joec and flyerinhi and anybody else who would save their dog:
Say you can only save one of: your dog or a foreign tourist. You save your dog. You find out that the foreign tourist had two kids. Those kids loved him dearly. They cry every night because they miss him so much. Their lives are permanently (negatively) affected by the pain of his death and the lack of his guidance. Not an unlikely scenario at all. Would you feel you’d made the right choice? Would you feel guilty? Would you still (assuming you do now) feel that you were a moral human being? If you’re religious, do you think your god would approve? Would you lose any sleep? Would you ever think about the 12-year-old girl and the 7-year-old boy whose father you let die?[/quote]
1st, as I mentioned before, I don’t have a dog and said in this or another thread that I actually HATE dogs. I can’t stand how out of control I see dogs are in general around the neighborhood. Not to mention them being a financial drain. Didn’t grow up with a dog and don’t see a need for them in my life.
That said, I think my problem is I probably don’t put a huge value on all human life. I KNOW people die every single day, probably every few seconds so someone, while I write this just died…
I am not religious, even though I grew up in a religious household, but if I am to be condemned by god/God, then more power to him for having that power to do his will on me if that’s his desire…
I assume you are religious since that would be a very good reason to save/value all life since that’s what’s taught a lot. At least a human life, from your g[G]od’s eye is more valuable than a dog.
I can’t say how I would feel for 2 little kids, but maybe, the “tourist” killed was actually a child rapist instead? At the end of the day, we can come up with any sob story of who the victim is and I don’t think that was the “point” on the survey. Bottom line are people are schmucks or in my case, a self admitted asshole who doesn’t care for most of the rest of the world perhaps, but again, I think the survey has a lot of truth in how little care most of society has for other society people. This divisive topic sorta clearly states that.
The 40% in the survey and the 46% of women (more women than men) making that choice or feeling this way is clearly a sign that it’s simply probably the society we live in and we’re all a product of our surroundings/environment…
I don’t know if I would lose sleep if it was 2 little kids, but again, what if the tourist was a psycho serial killer? Maybe I would feel like I did society a good thing. Bottom line, a lot of these questions are fun to discuss, but until it happens, I think it’s actually “hard” to see what people will do in actuality.
My main point is that people die every day, I can’t or don’t care to save everyone. We all have our own problems. 1 less person, no matter how dramatic you make it feel, has very little overall impact on your life. That’s my point. Losing your dog will impact you and your kids probably a ton more than some foreigner you or your kids don’t know or don’t care about. I suppose I’d rather not be “inconvenienced” with having to deal with a non-existent dead dog. I don’t have time for that. Of course, if you knew the family, that’s not the same question. I suppose in my case, it doesn’t have to be “foreigner” since I dislike people here just as much as foreigners in general.
In the time it took you to read my message, probably 300-400 people just died. It’s a part of life. Live all you can each day with the people you care about and if it happens, so be it.
January 10, 2014 at 8:35 PM #769673scaredyclassic
ParticipantYeah I guess you’re right. I’d rather have someone die than be inconvenienced too. Like if I had to wait 15 seconds longer in a grocery line? Screw that. Kill em. Any inconvenience no matter how small I would prefer that someone die than I experience it. Doesn’t matter to me what their dituation is as I don’t know it but I see a small I n convenience so why should I have to deal with any delay whatsoever?
January 10, 2014 at 8:37 PM #769674scaredyclassic
ParticipantI have a new theory;
As the amount of loyalty in society generally decreases, the value of dogs increases proportionately.
Dog love is a panicked response to the fraying of loyalty in society.
January 10, 2014 at 8:38 PM #769675scaredyclassic
ParticipantWould you rather have a random member of this forum die, or your dog?
January 11, 2014 at 2:28 AM #769678CA renter
Participant[quote=6packscaredy]I have a new theory;
As the amount of loyalty in society generally decreases, the value of dogs increases proportionately.
Dog love is a panicked response to the fraying of loyalty in society.[/quote]
I think there’s some truth to this. Human relationships have been suffering. Families are now expected to separate, even to the point of labeling people as weird or unhealthy if they still live at home in adulthood. We ship kids off at the age of 5 so they can learn to “socialize” in state institutions instead of socializing naturally with family, friends, and neighbors as humans have done throughout history. Add technology to the mix, and it’s all downhill from there.
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