I’ve always wanted a luxury European toilet. The kind that hangs on the wall and has a hidden tank. Don’t think I will ever have one.
My mom gave me an allowance but not in cadh. She kept a ledger. We could see the balance grow. Sometimes I’d make a “withdrawal” but it hurt to see the balance dip. I think it was discouraged at least mildly.
Who knows how things might have been had she just put the weekly money in my clammy little hands.
svelte is a near anagram for velvet, which leads me to believe some of these issues may be unresolved.
[quote=FlyerInHi]I’ve always wanted a luxury European toilet. The kind that hangs on the wall and has a hidden tank. Don’t think I will ever have one.[/quote]
i want an outdoor toilet.
[quote=scaredyclassic][quote=FlyerInHi]I’ve always wanted a luxury European toilet. The kind that hangs on the wall and has a hidden tank. Don’t think I will ever have one.[/quote]
i want an outdoor toilet.[/quote]
Yes. An outdoor zen bathroom and toilet. Some resorts have them though I have never seen in person. My dad has outdoor shower and door bathing area.
lol – i agree comic genius! Great posts scaredy!
i think my brother used to go to sleep with some rabbit fur
So today, I was shopping for sconces for lighting over the bedside tables. I want my remodel to have a hotel suite quality to it.
I wanted this one for $160.
But settled for this at $122.
In economics, they call it substitution, I think.