Many Western European governments are giving their carmakers financial assistance, but there’s a catch. They get the money only if they don’t close plants at home…
Ahhh. So the US is the only idiot offering automakers assistance then expecting them to cut jobs at home. The other governments at least expect the companies they are helping to keep local jobs first. Bright![/quote]
In other countries the people demand good jobs. If thier Gov. did not make sure the jobs stayed then they would have riots, roadblockages and lots more CEO kidnapping.
Here we demand GM die, because they make shitty cars (not) and the UAW worker is spoiled and overpayed. Forget all the other jobs that go with our auto industry that have nothing to do with the UAW.
No, Americans want a Toyota and Honda AMerica. If JSP believes maybe he can save having to visit the dealership for an extra repair or two he will sell the country down the drain and try and make US cars look bad so he can deflect guilt.
So the answer is, we aren’t smart enough as a nation to demand the good jobs stay as a condition of bailout $$$. Our Gov. will do what they want to do, which seems to be giving our jobs to other countries, while the American worker ignorantly cheer GMs death. Happily driving to work (for now) in their Hyundia.