- This topic has 93 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 5 months ago by
July 17, 2012 at 11:04 AM #748219July 17, 2012 at 11:08 AM #748222
Participant[quote=flu]I really wish I could like watches. But i end up trashing watches.
See, most of you are probably right handed and wear your watch on your left arm.
Me? I’m screwed up since I’m a lefty, and still wear my watch on the left arm. What ends up happening is since I’m a lefty, I constantly slammed my watch around writing, doing other thing. I have never been able to have any sort of watch last longer than a year.
So out of fear, I never bothered to think about getting a watch more than $40 or so…[/quote]
I’m left handed and wear my watch on my left hand. I used to break faces easily (done it twice). But with my Omega, it survives many bang ups.July 17, 2012 at 11:20 AM #748226Diego Mamani
Participant[quote=AN]I used to break faces easily (done it twice).[/quote]
Watch faces, I hope you mean…
Why don’t you wear your watch on the right hand?July 17, 2012 at 11:22 AM #748228Coronita
Participant[quote=Diego Mamani][quote=AN]I used to break faces easily (done it twice).[/quote]
Watch faces, I hope you mean…
Why don’t you wear your watch on the right hand?[/quote]Just feels weird. Well, see, I’m kinda particular. Certain things I have to do with right hand some things lefty way.
I bat right, but hold a racket on the left hand. I eat using my left hand to hold utensils but I use scissors with my right.
July 17, 2012 at 11:23 AM #748229sdrealtor
Participant[quote=AN][quote=flu]I really wish I could like watches. But i end up trashing watches.
See, most of you are probably right handed and wear your watch on your left arm.
Me? I’m screwed up since I’m a lefty, and still wear my watch on the left arm. What ends up happening is since I’m a lefty, I constantly slammed my watch around writing, doing other thing. I have never been able to have any sort of watch last longer than a year.
So out of fear, I never bothered to think about getting a watch more than $40 or so…[/quote]
I’m left handed and wear my watch on my left hand. I used to break faces easily (done it twice). But with my Omega, it survives many bang ups.[/quote]As all asians left handed? You should be pitchers not engineers;)
July 17, 2012 at 11:42 AM #748233Coronita
Participant[quote=sdrealtor][quote=AN][quote=flu]I really wish I could like watches. But i end up trashing watches.
See, most of you are probably right handed and wear your watch on your left arm.
Me? I’m screwed up since I’m a lefty, and still wear my watch on the left arm. What ends up happening is since I’m a lefty, I constantly slammed my watch around writing, doing other thing. I have never been able to have any sort of watch last longer than a year.
So out of fear, I never bothered to think about getting a watch more than $40 or so…[/quote]
I’m left handed and wear my watch on my left hand. I used to break faces easily (done it twice). But with my Omega, it survives many bang ups.[/quote]As all asians left handed? You should be pitchers not engineers;)[/quote]
There’s something to be said about left handed asians…
Because I think at some point or the other, parents tried to correct that…. So I’m sure there’s a bunch of asian righties that are really closet lefties.Me? I was too stubborn, so I came out of the closet and stayed out as a lefty…
July 17, 2012 at 1:10 PM #748243an
Participant[quote=flu]There’s something to be said about left handed asians…
Because I think at some point or the other, parents tried to correct that…. So I’m sure there’s a bunch of asian righties that are really closet lefties.Me? I was too stubborn, so I came out of the closet and stayed out as a lefty…[/quote]
This is why I write with my right hand. When I was learning to write, I was forced to practice writing with my right hand. I stopped fighting and learn to write with my right hand. However, I do everything else with my left.July 17, 2012 at 1:10 PM #748242an
Participant[quote=flu][quote=Diego Mamani][quote=AN]I used to break faces easily (done it twice).[/quote]
Watch faces, I hope you mean…
Why don’t you wear your watch on the right hand?[/quote]Just feels weird. Well, see, I’m kinda particular. Certain things I have to do with right hand some things lefty way.
I bat right, but hold a racket on the left hand. I eat using my left hand to hold utensils but I use scissors with my right.[/quote]
Totally agree. It would just feel weird when I wear the watch on my right hand. Yes, i mean watch faces :-).July 17, 2012 at 1:49 PM #748247briansd1
GuestI’m not a big fan of AMG Mercedes. They look like mafioso cars, especially when the get a few years old. That’s not the image I want for me.
OK, what’s a good Rolex to buy? I’m thinking something subdued and not too flashy.
July 17, 2012 at 3:14 PM #748253Allan from Fallbrook
Participant[quote=briansd1]I’m not a big fan of AMG Mercedes. They look like mafioso cars, especially when the get a few years old. That’s not the image I want for me.
OK, what’s a good Rolex to buy? I’m thinking something subdued and not too flashy.[/quote]
Brian: I don’t think the words “subdued” and “Rolex” really go together. The Submariner in stainless is about as subdued as Rolex gets.
You should get an Omega Seamaster. James Bond wears one. Plus, he drives an Aston-Martin. Those aren’t “mafioso” looking at all. Very British and dignified and FAST. Of course, you’d need to upgrade your wardrobe with some Savile Row bespoke suits, which would mean pleats, bracer buttons and cuffs. Can’t have everything, right?
July 17, 2012 at 3:20 PM #748254an
Participant[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=briansd1]I’m not a big fan of AMG Mercedes. They look like mafioso cars, especially when the get a few years old. That’s not the image I want for me.
OK, what’s a good Rolex to buy? I’m thinking something subdued and not too flashy.[/quote]
Brian: I don’t think the words “subdued” and “Rolex” really go together. The Submariner in stainless is about as subdued as Rolex gets.
You should get an Omega Seamaster. James Bond wears one. Plus, he drives an Aston-Martin. Those aren’t “mafioso” looking at all. Very British and dignified and FAST. Of course, you’d need to upgrade your wardrobe with some Savile Row bespoke suits, which would mean pleats, bracer buttons and cuffs. Can’t have everything, right?[/quote]
This Rolex Datejust is pretty subdued: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=rolex+datejust&hl=en&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&ion=1&biw=1440&bih=1025&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=3147243792747068584&sa=X&ei=w-MFUILhFKbC2wW7wKSrBQ&ved=0CGYQ8gIwBQIf Brian wants Omega, I think the Constellation: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=omega+constellation+mens&hl=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1440&bih=1025&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=7279346229338301616&sa=X&ei=e-QFUJiXM9Ly2gW3zfWoBQ&ved=0CFcQ8gIwAQ is pretty subdued too.
July 17, 2012 at 5:33 PM #748259flyer
ParticipantAlso a “lefty” and wear the watch on my right wrist. Would probably feel odd to some, but I’m used to it after all these years. Actually do lots of other things right-handed, including golf.
Have several engineer/pilot friends who do the same. In fact, when I was in college getting the degree in Aerospace Engineering, I saw a lot of this. Must have been something in the water.
July 17, 2012 at 7:17 PM #748268bearishgurl
Participant[quote=AN]This Rolex Datejust is pretty subdued: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=rolex+datejust&hl=en&prmd=imvns&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&ion=1&biw=1440&bih=1025&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=3147243792747068584&sa=X&ei=w-MFUILhFKbC2wW7wKSrBQ&ved=0CGYQ8gIwBQ
If Brian wants Omega, I think the Constellation: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=omega+constellation+mens&hl=en&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1440&bih=1025&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=7279346229338301616&sa=X&ei=e-QFUJiXM9Ly2gW3zfWoBQ&ved=0CFcQ8gIwAQ is pretty subdued too.
[/quote]Both classy, beautiful watches. The prices are breathtaking! I had no idea. . .
July 17, 2012 at 8:28 PM #748275Coronita
How do you lefty’s deal with pen smears.
July 17, 2012 at 10:45 PM #748283CDMA ENG
Participant[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=CDMA ENG]
UDT guys had team issued Rolexs. Not sure if they got to keep them afterwards.
CE: Back in the day (mid-1980s) I knew a SEAL who’d been with Juliet Platoon in Vietnam and had picked up a Rolex Submariner in Saigon for some stupid cheap amount of money. He’d done two tours with the watch and then all sorts of other crazy shit during the 1970s and 1980s and the watch had performed flawlessly. By the time I laid eyes on it, it was pretty banged up, but kept excellent time. He told me a Rolex collector had offered him big money to sell it, saying that the Rolex movement had changed sometime in the late 1970s and these earlier watches were now worth a pretty penny due to better construction and the more accurate movement.
Far as I know, he still has the watch and it’s still ticking along.
Didn’t know the UDT/SEALs were issued Rolexes, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Fucking SEALs are like goddamn rockstars; they get all the good shit. We had to beg, borrow and steal just to get anything that wasn’t secondhand. Almost as bad as being in the Marines.[/quote]
I think only the earlist SEALs had them. Personally I think that a TEAM issue Rolex would be a marketing dream.
Who wouldnt want one? Toughest dudes in the world where this watch… Why shouldn’t you?
I am not a fan of Rolex. Too plain looking for the money.
Also regarding the movement there are several different “engines” that they used. The version of the movement was based on different years and prices. There are many websites on the subject.
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