Mello roos is having unforeseen consequences on communities (aformentiond Mystic Point): it is driving away buyers from properties.
Then the efficient market hypothesis is working. As you suggested people will find better substitutes to paying for a property plus MR.
To me HOA, ML etc are fairly meaningless because I am simply looking at the total package.
To me it is an uphill battle to think you can sell a property with HOA and MR when there are similar properties without HOA and MR.
It doesn’t seem much different than buying high expense mutual funds. They might win but they start out with a substantial disadvantage.
Again you could argue that developers should pay this but I jsut see this as a pas through to the final owner in the form of higher purchase price. In the end someone has to pay and the higher up the food chain you are the less your are going to bite off. Just the way it is.