Probably issued for political motives, to Obama, as a hope filled nudge in the direction of peace for a change. You’re either with us or your against us.
Probably issued for political motives, to Obama, as a hope filled nudge in the direction of peace for a change. You’re either with us or your against us.
Probably issued for political motives, to Obama, as a hope filled nudge in the direction of peace for a change. You’re either with us or your against us.
Probably issued for political motives, to Obama, as a hope filled nudge in the direction of peace for a change. You’re either with us or your against us.
Probably issued for political motives, to Obama, as a hope filled nudge in the direction of peace for a change. You’re either with us or your against us.
Obama for first global “Minister of Peace”?
Obama for first global “Minister of Peace”?
Obama for first global “Minister of Peace”?
Obama for first global “Minister of Peace”?
Obama for first global “Minister of Peace”?
Maybe they can stop awarding it for that year if no qualified nominee can be found
Maybe they can stop awarding it for that year if no qualified nominee can be found
Maybe they can stop awarding it for that year if no qualified nominee can be found
Maybe they can stop awarding it for that year if no qualified nominee can be found