[quote=meadandale]I agree. It’s nonsense. I don’t support either of them. Hopefully the next 4 years with Obama driving his socialist agenda is over quickly,.[/quote]
Socialist????!!! Please! Obama has been acting (in my opinion) as a luke-warm Republican… The bailouts were for wall street, not people. We haven’t received any money, we have received protection for our financial institutions and our somewhat elitist status-quo. I Love how so many Republican’s (not all, but many) scream socialism after they were responsible for most of the economic agony this nation has gone through since Reagan.
Socialist? I know some socialists and they consider Obama part of the Republican/Democratic business elite and wall street syncophants. Face it, not only has the Republican party screwed America, created un-winable wars, lied, turned our country into a police state, protected wall street and a financial system of almost complete out and out fraud, but the Democrats haven’t acted much better.
Bush and Reagan cut taxes by ADDING TO THE DEFICIT (Borrowing for those REPUBLICAN’s who just say Socialist when they should just say I DONT READ). THEY OUTSPENT EVERYONE UNDER THE SUN. THEY have destroyed our economic future by spending spending spending. And of course since the worst president in our history ran back to Texas and hasn’t been heard from since, Obama has been doing his best to not have us plunge into complete chaos.
So what have the Republican’s done lately? Two things: They take the opposition to EVERYTHING that the party in power tries to do and fix, whether good or bad for America. And they push a Evangelical agenda to further push America to the back of the bus….
Socialist??? Please – if he didn’t do what he did the Republican’s would have screamed even louder…