Smart work. Not rigged. This is how people that know their craft make money. A lot of the remarks I see on this site indicate to me that many people are not very serious about finding out what’s really going on.
This is good advice for anyone that’s really interested in a certain area. Do some investigation into the financial stability of the homes in the area. The vacancies, empty looking homes, tax records,etc… there’s lots of data that is public domain. It may not tell you the whole story, but you’ll get a good idea of where to keep looking. Or where it’s going. This level of granularity is not known or discussed by the big picture guys. Their too busy talking about the industry in aggregate. The big picture. That’s why there’s opportunity in knowing the detail of any given hood. House by house. The nice thing about this current crisis we’re in is that you can find homes in trouble. This is tough in the good times.
Incidentally, all the real rigging goes on at the top in plain sight. Just look at what the Feds done for some Wall Street buddies of theirs lately. BS is too big to fail, but I guess Indymac deserves to get thrown under the bus. Sounds fair to me.