is that serious; a wine tax? that would be a public health calamity. I might even be pushed to the brink of becoming politically active. this is just hyperbole right?
is that serious; a wine tax? that would be a public health calamity. I might even be pushed to the brink of becoming politically active. this is just hyperbole right?
is that serious; a wine tax? that would be a public health calamity. I might even be pushed to the brink of becoming politically active. this is just hyperbole right?
is that serious; a wine tax? that would be a public health calamity. I might even be pushed to the brink of becoming politically active. this is just hyperbole right?
is that serious; a wine tax? that would be a public health calamity. I might even be pushed to the brink of becoming politically active. this is just hyperbole right?
is 7,500 the max? is there any talk of raising this tax credit to something more meaningful? if the credit were high enough, it’d be hard to refuse buying. could it go to 20, 25, 30k? is that a topic of discussion among the wise leadership of this great nation?
is 7,500 the max? is there any talk of raising this tax credit to something more meaningful? if the credit were high enough, it’d be hard to refuse buying. could it go to 20, 25, 30k? is that a topic of discussion among the wise leadership of this great nation?
is 7,500 the max? is there any talk of raising this tax credit to something more meaningful? if the credit were high enough, it’d be hard to refuse buying. could it go to 20, 25, 30k? is that a topic of discussion among the wise leadership of this great nation?
is 7,500 the max? is there any talk of raising this tax credit to something more meaningful? if the credit were high enough, it’d be hard to refuse buying. could it go to 20, 25, 30k? is that a topic of discussion among the wise leadership of this great nation?
is 7,500 the max? is there any talk of raising this tax credit to something more meaningful? if the credit were high enough, it’d be hard to refuse buying. could it go to 20, 25, 30k? is that a topic of discussion among the wise leadership of this great nation?
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