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  • #280488
  • If yes,

    • Subtract 200 points if he/she makes more than
    • Subtract 100 points if he/she makes the same or less than you
    • Add 100 points if he/she spends more than she makes….and BTW why is that???

    10) Do you have any children?

    • If no, don’t add/subtract anything
    • Add 100 points for each child you recognize as yours.
    • Add 300 points for each child you swear is not yours but someone says is yours.

    11) Do you have any vice habits?

    • If you don’t smoke or drink alot, eat out a lot, and you have a significant other,subtract 100 points.
    • If you smoke or drink alot and don’t own any sin stock, add 100 points.
    • If your addicted to any gourmet food/etc, add 100 points.
    • If pay for your “dates”, add 100 points per encounter….
    • If you provide dating services, subtract 100 points per encounter, and don’t forget to pay your taxes.

    12) Do you have any student loans?

    • If no, subtract 100 points.
    • If yes, add/subtract 0 points if was in the medical profession and you practicing medicine
    • If yes, add 500 points if it was in the medical profession and you aren’t praticing medicine.
    • If yes, subtract 100 points if it was in the legal profession. And btw if you’re a lawyer, fvck you.
    • If yes, and it was an MBA at a top 10 school, add 100 points. Good luck finding a job on wall street
    • If yes, and it was an MBA at a not-so-top 10 school, add 1000 points. What, you thought the ticket out of the dot-bomb, was an MBA out of University of Phoenix? ROTFLAO.
    • If yes, and it was an engineering profession, add 100 points. And you thought you’d make more than the loan is worth in this profession? LOL.
    • If yes, and it was for a PHD, add an additional 100 points. Yes, no one except your professor gives a sh!t about your dissertation
    • If yes, if it was in a field like underwater basket weaving, shakespearian history, or some god unknown degree, add 2000 points. What were your parents thinking????

    See, it’s all relative, if everyone is poorer, then everyone is richer, so relatively speaking, it’s all the same, relative to everyone else…

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