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Home Forums Financial Markets/Economics GM Faces potential BK

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  • #361622
  • “The yen is still stronger than it was for most of 2008.”

    The extent to which they manipulate from year to year changes. And that means…? Its predatory trade if one country artificially lowers its currency in order to give its manufacturers an unfair cost advantage over another country. Japan has a long history of this.

  • “If it’s the Japanese government, then does that mean it’s cost-free to the people of Japan? Of course not.”

    Why on earth would you assume that’s what I meant? Do you think, I think, Japan has a fairy that pays healthcare? The Japanese Government pays for the healthcare. It’s essentially a subsidy to the Japanese auto makers. A subsidy that American producers do not enjoy.

  • “If Toyota and its workers pay $5,000 per worker in taxes to the government for health care for those workers, that has the same long-term economic impact on Toyota and its workers as a direct payment of $5,000 from the company to the health care providers.”

    Gas tax cover most of it, so NO, its not the same.
    Here GM pays ALL of it, there the people of Japan pay for it at the pump. It does not show up in Honda’s cost of building a car.

    In your logic the cost of building F-22s should show up in GM’s cost to build Impalas because society pays for F-22s in taxes.

    How’d you do on your “economic literacy test”? LOL 😉

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