This is a little off topic, but my place of business recently had a seminar called “Home Ownership & Financing!-A Financial Planning Workshop for Employees” presented by the Foundation for Personal Financial Education.
Their representatives were real estate cheerleaders typical of the 2001-2005 era. “Its always the best time to buy” and “now is a better than ever to buy” etc.
Thinking that this “Foundation” is probably just a front for somone in the real estate industry (the NAR cames to mind), I soon went to work investigating who provides their funding, which is sometimes disclosed on certain public IRS items. The problem, I soon found, is that they don’t appear to exist as a legal nonprofit entity. So, unfortunately, all attempts to research their funding lead to nothing.
I called for more information, and Lindsay (the manager of the organization) let me know that the legal name of the organization is different than that listed on the website. She said Mike could get back to me with that information.
I’ll let you know if they return my call or Email. In the meantime, if you want a good laugh book them for your next party or business meeting. They will perform for free.