i have a credit card i never used, it was a Platinum VISA
i had from IEEE, it used to be MBNA but somebody bought them.
It was no fee, so i kept it, it had an 18K credit line, they cancelled
it out of the blue, i called up, went around the bush with a
account rep and got it reactivated, to 9K. He asked why
i had it if i wasn’t using it, i told him, some day i was going to
walk out of the subway and someone would be selling their
Lexus for 2K and i’d want the credit around in case, i was a few
days away from getting my paycheck.
Yeah, banks are limiting exposure, i think they figure there
won’t be TARP for credit card paper and they are seeing people
who never went bad on credit using it now.
I personally hate credit cards, i think they are the spawn of the