For the past few weeks, I’ve been working on a fascinating “civics lesson” (in my “spare” time, lol) detailing the “real” reasons why the City of Vallejo had to file for BK. It’s enlightening, to say the least. Not finished yet (will post it when I am) but you need to ask yourselves just one question here. WHY did Vallejo’s personnel costs go up so much since the late nineties/early 2000’s?
Hint: the answer is not exactly what you may be thinking.
It’s a relatively small city (pop 116760 in 2000 to 117798 in 2010).
That’s approx 43% of the size of Chula Vista and it only grew by 1038 residents during the millenium boom (Chula grew by 250% during the same time frame). Vallejo has plenty of jobs and industry, bridge access and a bayfront presence (location, location, location). What more could a bay area city ask for??
Food for thought: Doesn’t EVERY CA City have the SAME problem (Props 13 and 58)??
Looking forward to seeing what you’ve discovered, BG. Thanks for doing the research and digging into the details regarding this topic.