I live in Vancouver, Canada and I like what I am reading in your forum. I too believe in hedging my bets on everything that has to do with assets at the present time. My wife and myself are looking to retire and spend 6 months a year in the U.S. and 6 months a year in Asia. All due to an auto accident which has left my knees in pain and warm weather makes a difference. Our housing market here is strong and the masses are saying the Olympics is the reason..I personally, believe things are not what they seem to be. Our beloved politicians here are also spending more than they take in..and my uneasy feeling is that our housing market will also tank in the very near future. We have just listed our property here as I want to sit on cash
My question is ..where would you purchase real estate in southern california? water,safety and clean air is the most important..
Regards, Greg