“spreads like wildfire” puts a distinctively California flavor on it.
“spreads like wildfire” puts a distinctively California flavor on it.
“spreads like wildfire” puts a distinctively California flavor on it.
“spreads like wildfire” puts a distinctively California flavor on it.
“spreads like wildfire” puts a distinctively California flavor on it.
esmith – you stole my line. Gotta keep those poles in the left half plane. Or is it right. Damn I forgot.
esmith – you stole my line. Gotta keep those poles in the left half plane. Or is it right. Damn I forgot.
esmith – you stole my line. Gotta keep those poles in the left half plane. Or is it right. Damn I forgot.
esmith – you stole my line. Gotta keep those poles in the left half plane. Or is it right. Damn I forgot.
esmith – you stole my line. Gotta keep those poles in the left half plane. Or is it right. Damn I forgot.
Re: casual observations.
The other day I overheard an manager at HomeDepot tell an employee to stop standing in material isles and walk the main isle and help customers. Times must be bad…
Lucky In OC
Re: casual observations.
The other day I overheard an manager at HomeDepot tell an employee to stop standing in material isles and walk the main isle and help customers. Times must be bad…
Lucky In OC
Re: casual observations.
The other day I overheard an manager at HomeDepot tell an employee to stop standing in material isles and walk the main isle and help customers. Times must be bad…
Lucky In OC
Re: casual observations.
The other day I overheard an manager at HomeDepot tell an employee to stop standing in material isles and walk the main isle and help customers. Times must be bad…
Lucky In OC