You obviously dont know any good REO brokers. It is a very difficult job and they do tons of work. REO brokers are also property managers. The deal with tons of offers and legalities that you and I dont have to. They need to have fairly large staffs to handle all the work.
I know several very good ones and they also have plenty of say over pricing. Check out the agents that are listing alot of REO’s and you will find several very good ones that have decades of experience who are getting their properties sold. You will also find dozens of inexperienced REO agents who dont know what they are doing and have listings rotting on the shelves. Experience is everything in this business. The last few years were an anomaly and the business is returning to agents who actually understand how to get things done.
BTW, have you noticed how all the Help-u-notsell, Assist-to-notsell, iPaynone and the other discount houses are disappearing by the day. I havent received a piece of marketing from any discounters in over 4 months. That business model only works in the best of times. Keep at it, watch your expenses like a hawk and you’ll be fine.