ZK, your liberal sentiment only causes more problems in society. I like to think I am a well educated person and smart enough to retain a conversation from a man who I actually thought highly of until this conversation on BET. Please look for it because it is not made up. In fact I will track it down for you.
After watching it I hope that you feel the same way about Obama as I do. I respect him for his perseverance. I admire his tenacity. I believe we need change in the White House, but I just don’t think Obama will fit the mold.
McCain is far more moderate than Bush, which will work to his advantage and I just don’t think America is ready for Obama. There is no need to bash conservatives or liberals here because we all have our own opinions. Let’s just look at some simple facts and determine who the best fit for our government is. I think McCain is very intelligent, regardless of his age. Health wise McCain is in great shape. The Melanoma on his face was completely removed and the doctors have given him a clean bill of health. And put simply, McCain has plenty of experience. Obama just doesn’t have the experience necessary to lead this country.