I notice sexism all the time. I notice misogyny when I see it, too. I have a daughter. And when she was born, I was quite concerned with how society would treat her. I still am. I think the objectification of women is rampant. My first facebook post was about a feminist champion doing great things for the cause of women. (In fact, other than pix of vacations that my wife posted, and a few posts about my favorite baseball team, that’s my only facebook post.) So I’m actually on your side in general. I’m a feminist who is pretty sensitive to how women are treated. [/quote]
You followed my posting of the above with your posting of the below:
[quote=CA renter]ZK, we can go around and around on this because it’s unlikely we will ever see eye to eye if you believe that misogyny and sexism are things of the past. They are not.
Of course, it’s like a white person telling a black person that racism doesn’t exist. We’ll just have to agree to disagree on this.[/quote]
Your reading skills leave quite a bit to be desired.
You ignore the points I make that counter your weak arguments. And then, when it’s obvious that your arguments can’t stand up to mine, you imply that I hold a position that I clearly (to anyone who’s paying attention to what I’m actually saying) don’t, and run away. Weak.
Have you ever known a black person who sees racism in every corner? Even when it’s not there? Constantly crying, “racism!!” even if whatever happened that he’s crying racism about was clearly due to other factors, and not racism? Sure there’s racism out there. Lots of it. Just not everywhere that person sees it. If you try to tell that person that a particular incident wasn’t racism, they get angry and think you’re a fool for not seeing it. It’s pretty obvious to everyone that that person has a very large chip on his shoulder, and that he sees racism everywhere he turns his eyes, rather than only where it actually is. It’s pretty obvious to everyone that he’s angry, bitter, and irrational. Obvious to everyone except that person, of course.
That’s you with misogyny.[/quote]
Finally have time to deal with this precious nugget of yours, ZK. The only “point” you’ve made is that my experiences with sexism/misogyny are “imagined” because I’ve experienced sexism/misogyny at an early age. You claim that you know more than I do about whether or not a behavior or action is sexist or misogynistic, even though you (presumably) haven’t spent a single day of your life as a female.
And wasn’t it you who shared a personal tidbit which BG grabbed with both hands and started to use against you throughout a thread? I believe she contorted your words and said you had “issues” in a lame attempt to discredit what you were saying, just like you’ve done here. As I recall, you weren’t very happy about it, yet you’re doing precisely the same thing on this thread via your ad hominem attack on me instead of discussing the **very real** issues I bring up (no, nothing has been “made up” or “imagined”). Incidentally, I defended you in that thread, which is why I remembered it…I despise the use of ad hominem attacks when one is trying to have an intelligent discussion about important issues.
Based on your logic, if a gay man experienced homophobia during childhood, even from his parents, he is rendered less capable of accurately identifying homophobic beliefs, behaviors, and remarks than someone who is not gay. Does this make any sense to you? Would you really dare to say that to a gay man?
Let’s take an example of a mixed-race man (black-white) whose white mother told him throughout his childhood that she would have preferred that he were white. Would he be less capable of accurately identifying racist beliefs, behaviors, and remarks than someone who is 100% white? Would you dare to announce your superior “racism-spotting” skills to him?
Please answer honestly and explain why you think you would know more about racism or homophobia than they would.