[quote=zk]You show a glaring weakness in your logic skills, yet again, with your “vast majority of criminals were traditionally schooled” comment. If 98% of people are traditionally schooled, then the vast majority of criminals will almost certainly be traditionally schooled, whether home schooling produces criminals or not (which I have no reason to believe it does). [/quote]Actually your logic skills seem broken. It is proven that home schoolers on average score 37 percentile points higher than those that went to public schools. They also have a better success rate after high school. — just one of many links I can put up..
Are you saying that as a percentage, those that have a better future are more likely to resort to crime?.. Most criminals are those that don’t have a future or have decided to abandon a future. Many homeschoolers are much more independent than kids that have gone through public schools… which unfortunately enforce multiple forms of conformity
Don’t disagree with the teacher even when he/she is wrong.
Don’t argue with the big kid.. if he wants your lunch money, give it to him.
Don’t report abuse,attack etc by big kids.. otherwise you get labelled as a tattle-tale(almost equiv to saying ‘abuse is legal provided you are bigger than the other guy)
Don’t speak up with new ideas, because they will just make fun of you.
Don’t dress different, act different than the conformity established by school and/or big kids.. otherwise you will be ostracized, and picked on relentlessly.
-Conform, obey, don’t think for yourself, just regurgitate.. These are just a few. I suspect that many of the mass killings by those under about 25 years of age, are caused by kids that have been forced to conformity through the above means.. and have just ended up striking out just to establish themselves as an individual. Unfortunately it is a last gasp method of striking out which is ‘terminal’ in its own method.