[quote=zk]You lost me. The way I read it, he was threatening to use nuclear weapons against them the next time they threatened us. His advisers said, “don’t read anything into” his fire and fury talk/speech which, as far as I can tell, basically means that they’re saying that he didn’t mean what he obviously meant (nuclear attack).
And obviously he didn’t really mean it, because North Korea threatened us a few hours later, and they’re still there.
What do you mean by “distraction?”[/quote]
I’ve heard half a dozen surrogates today. Every one of them says the “fire and fury” part, without hesitation. Some of them use it repeatedly. And then go on to say that it’s not a big deal. As if to say “fire and fury” are no big thing. And they’re right. But those were not the important words. None of them use the words that followed.
And yes, he was either consciously threatening to use nuclear weapons, or is so f’ing stupid, he didn’t realize what the words he used meant.