[quote=zk][quote=temeculaguy] I’ll vote for anyone but Hillary.[/quote]
Now, temeculaguy, you’ve always seemed like a pretty enlightened, reasonable guy. I’m really curious why you hate Hillary so much. And I want you to be honest with yourself and picture her as a man and see if you hate her so much. If she held the same policy positions she does now, and had basically the same personality she does now, but was a man, would you hate her so much? Would you vow to vote for anybody but her, even if that anybody was an immature, narcissistic, ignorant lunatic who poses a real and serious threat to the safety and prosperity of this country?
Do you really think that he would be a better president than her, or are you letting some vague, primordial hatred for her get in the way of a reasonable and responsible vote?[/quote]
In all honesty I didn’t start out in Trump’s camp. I started out in the “anyone but Hillary or Cruz camp.” I liked Kasich, Bernie, the Doc (but he occasionally perplexed me with his wackiness, but his middle east refugee plan was so good it made me overlook things). I was okay with Christie, Fiorina and Rubio. But still all of them would get my vote in the end if they faced Hillary or Cruz. Huckabee is hard to hate but he was initially in that “anyone but” category as was rand paul who’s easy to hate. Here’s the reason why, none of it is race or gender. I do not like politicians who are overly religious and I do not like those who are on the take. Cruz and Huckabee are way too religious even though the country is not. To me, that is akin to Sharia law but from a different book. I’d prefer a president who believes in a higher power but only goes to a church to be respectful (funerals, weddings, etc.) but not actually think any religious texts with a questionable chain of evidence to be similar to a penal code or a technical manual. I don’t want them to start taking the word “god” off our currency and monuments but only because they respect history and not religion.
at the 7 minute mark the Noah part is hilarious, but I’d prefer my leader sees religion as something that’s a nice thing for those that enjoy it but not part of the government that is supposed to be by and for the people when most people don’t take it that seriously. I’m cool with a higher power, but I have issues with hardcore religious leaders regardless of which religion.
So here we are, why not Hillary? My guess if it ended up Cruz vs Bernie nobody would accuse me of bias if I supported Bernie, which in that scenario I would. But it irritates me to my very soul that I get attacked because it’s Trump vs. Hillary. That is playing the woman card in the worst sense of card playing. I didn’t hear that when I voted for Obama over her (to be honest I think it was a done deal by the time we voted in California but I still never heard it in earlier contests because he is part black). It’s only an issue because Trump is a white guy and that irritates me beyond belief.
The main reason I do not like her is the Clinton foundation and her personal wealth at what I believe is at the expense of the American people. 10 million from the Saudis and soon after they get an arms sales deal. Money from China, from wall street. I’m okay with it on a certain level but she won’t own it, she chooses to shame others for similar actions. I’m okay with prostitutes, but I’m not okay if they criticize other prostitutes. That’s Hillary. Plus she’s a rotten role model for women, one of which I raised. Thankfully the one I raised is a Bernie fan and looks at Hillary like an alien from another planet when she hears the story of Hillary’s marriage. I wish Bernie hadn’t waited until two days ago to bring up Hillary’s money and the Clinton foundation, then it would be Bernie vs. Trump and we would have some meaningful discussions. Or if it had been Kasich vs. bernie and I could feel everything would be okay. But it’s not, so it’s Trump or its one of the people I dislike the most, male or female and that’s why tomorrow, Trump gets my vote and he will not destroy the world and I’m optimistic that he will improve it. I believe Jack Nicholson said it in a Batman movie, “This town needs an enema.”
To confuse you more, I am pro abortion, pro moderate gun control (for assault weapons ban, against open carry), pro gay marriage, pro socialized medicine, anti-world police, pro wall at the border, pro better background checks for immigrants from muslim countries, anti sharia law, pro immigration from Mexico, pro deportation of violent or sexual offenders from any country, pro death penalty. I like France’s stance on the Hijab being banned in public schools, you can come here but leave that shit at the door, assimilate or get out. So you cannot put me into a box, I fit no party, I fit no stereotype. I have relatives that are of Arabic and African American decent, including a Muslim relative who I adore. I also think Black Lives Matters does more harm than good for African Americans because they usually defend the very people that prey on their own community. I especially think the anti-trump rioters and protesters are hurting their cause and are being entirely anti free speech. I was also on the other side of the border Saturday giving money to the Haitians, but I still want thorough background checks before they are let in. Charity and sympathy are good, but due diligence is also good. To quote an Arab saying “have trust in Allah, but tie up your camel.”
But here’s the thing, I know some of my stances have given many readers cause to dismiss my opinion, I’m sure a few of them have. I’ve been accused of being a populist but I have never understood why populism is bad, it means it is popular. By the people, for the people, even of you think you are better than the people. Now if we can just get Trump to pick Bernie as VP, this will work out just fine because neither are really democrats or republicans and I’m not a fan of either party so it’s a dream ticket for me. Think of it like fantasy sports, you get that team’s quarterback and that other team’s running back. But it’s called fantasy sports for a reason because it;s not real and I understand that.However my fantasy team does not have Hillary on it and it is not because she is a woman, my fantasy team would be nothing but women because it’s my fantasy (misogynistic and sexual innuendo for entertainment purposes only, and of course because I found it amusing) .