Mueller comes back with damning enough information against trump that impeachment and removal from office are inevitable (now that the republicans, who wouldn’t impeach him if he shot someone on 5th Avenue, are out of power).
If you believe that republicans will never vote to impeachment the president under any circumstances then he isn’t getting impeached. Impeachment requires a majority in the house to file the article of impeachment and then 2/3rds of the senate to find him guilty. So even if democrats win the house and the senate you probably need about 15 republican senators to go along with you. In addition with the way the republican states gerrymandered districts after the 2010 census it’s very unlikely that the democrats can win the house until after the 2020 census.
The only way you’re going to see an impeachment is if there’s something so damning that the republicans go ahead and start the process themselves. It wouldn’t surprise me that under some scenario they might. Trump isn’t going to win re=election at this point but Mike Pence could, or at a minimum has a better shot than Trump.