[quote=zk][quote=partypup]our government – and perhaps ALL world governments at this point – are preparing for and even enabling a massive die off of humans on the planet. [/quote]
partypup, before I go making an amateur, on-line diagnosis of paranoid personality disorder, I want to make sure I understand what you’re saying.
Do you actually think that our government is purposely enabling a massive die off of humans on the planet?[/quote]
Google “Overshoot”. This has been a well studied area of physical science since the 70s. Most studies of the earths carrying capacity put us over populated by at least 20% to 300%. The conspiracy crowd looks at these studies as fake and says that it is a plan by our shadowy overlords to justify depopulation. I look at them and say some members of intelligence agencies of different countries may take notice and plan to mitigate and manage in some inhumane fashion.
The population curve went parabolic around the time of oil discovery in the late 1800s mainly due to mechanized farming and most reasonable estimates put “peak oil”, the time when the maximum extractable flow rate for the world peaks out then declines forever, around now. Juxtapose peak oil with the way industrial agriculture works which is 100% dependent on oil and petrochemicals and you have a planet that has trouble feeding the population under the same stucture. Google “The oil we eat” for details.
Last spring when oil was running up food riots broke out around the world. The UN estimated that over 100 million were pushed into starvation from high oil prices. If it went to $250 it probably would have been in the billions. That’s a lot of chaos. Oil fell right aound the same time the banks did and credit lines started to get pulled. Of course the banksters had no idea that making trillions in loans that were not going to get paid back would clog up the banks. Restricting the money supply works the same as having resource shortage except it’s much more managable. People can starve amid plenty when broke.
http://www.ima.org.za/articles/The%20Hidden%20Holocaust%20Part3.pdf “All of these global crises are escalating on their own terms as a direct consequence of the very structure of the global social, political and economic system. Not only, by their own logic, do they threaten the future of humanity, they are currently intensifying and converging over the next few years. While their individual impacts are clearly devastating enough, their cumulative or simultaneous impact would be so devastating that it is perhaps beyond imagination.”
Conspiracy, criminal negligence or conspiracy of willful ignorance?