It’s not a question. It’s a hypothetical that attempts attempts to influence you into thinking you’re sexist. It infers that if Hillary was a man her various transgressions would be ignored, or at least tolerated. [/quote]
You mean “implies,” but you’re wrong. I’m not implying that if she were a man her transgressions would be tolerated.
I’m asking if (and maybe implying that) the main reason that so many people hate her so much is that there’s a dissonance between what we want from a woman and what we get from Hillary.
Almost all politicians have committed transgressions that must be tolerated if we’re to vote for them. Hillary is no different in that respect. I’m saying that people hate her, not because of her transgressions, but because of something else, and that that something else is related to her being a woman. Is that different from saying that they would forgive those transgressions if she were a man? Yes. In a subtle but important way. If you ask those people why they hate Hillary, they won’t even mention Benghazi or emails. They’ll talk vaguely about her character or her personality. Maybe they already forgive those transgressions, but they still won’t vote for her because they hate her.
Where Hillary is different is the amount of seething hatred she garners from those who might not hate another politician who’d done the same things and held the same positions. And that’s what I’m trying to understand.[/quote]zk, you’ve made good points here. I didn’t vote for Hillary but I don’t hate her. She’s paid such a high (psychic and in every other form) price for where she is today and isn’t a good role model for women of all ages (and neither is her sidekick, Bill a good role model for men of all ages, for that matter). I just feel a little sorry for her.
I’m going to predict that Bernie will get the delegates for the Dem nomination over Hillary (and be nominated by hook or crook after a floor tussle at the DNC for any stray votes from superdelegates which haven’t yet defected from Hill’s camp by then). I gotta hand it to her campaign. Hill’s peeps are currently embroiled in a relentless, extremely heavy grass-roots campaign covering every corner of CA in several languages and every place in the middle and the result of their efforts is going to be very, very interesting in the coming week.