I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again now (I frequently repeat myself after several drinks, anyway). We need a new party in this country. Liberal on social issues. Strongly for science (e.g. stem-cell research and climate change). Against massive government but for government and regulation where needed and sensible (not reflexively averse to any and all government regulation or assistance or involvement). A pragmatic, flexible approach to problems without a rigid ideology. A basic decency on humanitarian issues.
There are so many people who agree with most of those stances. The first party that jumps on that platform (or a new party that stands on it) would, it is my guess, dominate for decades to come.
I’d be very interested to hear if people think I’m out in left field on this one, or why people think such a party is not happening.[/quote]
ZK, fwiw I agree 100%. If would very enthusiastically support the party/platform you described. And I agree that there seem to be an awful lot of people who would be on board.